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  • brookscanavesi Friend

    I would like to have a rotator on the home page of my PURESITE template in the Slider Position of the template, however when the browser scales to a tablet or phone, I want the rotator to either scale or drop off the page.

    Does anyone know how this can be accomplished? Is it module suffix or type of rotator.

    I am currently using Simple Spotlight Module as my rotator:
    The module is set to 880 px width and 425 px height, which I think is causing it stay at those dimensions and not scale w/ the browser width, hence rending my site NOT RESPONSIVE.

    Any help is much appreciated.

    chavan Friend

    I saw Simple Spotlight Module isn’t responsive slideshow module, so you should replace it by the responsive slideshow module.

    I hope it helps!

    brookscanavesi Friend

    What is the Responsive Slideshow Module and where did you find it?

    I hacked the supersized background module and got it work, but would be interested in another solution like this Responsive Slideshow Module.

    Here is what I did to get Supersized to work:
    1) Downloaded the supersized background module for joomla from: http://joomlacode.org/gf/project/supersized3/frs/?action=FrsReleaseView&release_id=16386

    2) Updated the position to relative to keep it in module and out of the background in supersized.css in /modules/mod_supersized/assets/css/
    to read:
    #supersize {position:relative; min-height:100%; min-width:100%; top:0; left:0; z-index: -9999;}

    3) then made lines of code around line 147 to 181 in /modules/mod_supersized/assets/js/supersized.js read like this:

    //Gather browser and current image size
    var imagewidth = $j(this).width();
    var imageheight = $j(this).height();
    var browserwidth = $j(window).width();
    var browserheight = $j(window).height();
    var offset;

    var jwrw = Math.min(browserwidth,910)/910;
    var jwrh = Math.min(browserheight,470)/470;
    //console.log(“jwrh=” + jwrh + “, jwrw=” + jwrw + “, imagewidth=” + imagewidth + “, imageheight= ” + imageheight + “, browserwidth=” + browserwidth);
    $j(this).height(550 * jwrw * ratio );
    //$j(this).height(425 * jwrh );
    $j(this).width(800 * jwrw);
    return false;

    //Resize image to proper ratio
    if ((browserheight/browserwidth) > ratio){
    $j(this).height(imageheight * jwr );
    $j(this).width(imageheight * jwr / ratio);
    $j(this).children().width(browserheight / ratio);
    } else {
    $j(this).height(browserwidth * ratio);
    $j(this).children().height(browserwidth * ratio);
    if (options.vertical_center == 1){
    $j(this).children().css(‘left’, (browserwidth – $j(this).width())/2);
    $j(this).children().css(‘top’, (browserheight – $j(this).height())/2);
    return false;

    chavan Friend

    I found the Responsive slideshow in here http://responsive-slides.viljamis.com/

    However you have to convert it to joomla module.

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