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  • bvk1987 Friend

    I was wondering how I can make the images in J-Blog clickable. This is a lot more convenient for tablet users.

    Currently, the article can be opened by clicking on the title of the article or the read more button.

    Secondy, I wanted to connect my Facebook ID to my page. When I do this, the Facebook plugin disappears. What can I do about this?

    Thanks in advance!

    phong nam Friend


    You can make the intro images of J!Blog page clickable after backing up the files and following this:

    – Open templatesja_fixelhtmlcom_contentcategoryblog_item.php file and replace lines:

    <div class="article-image pull-<?php echo htmlspecialchars($imgfloat); ?> span4">

    <?php if ($images->image_intro_caption):
    echo 'class="caption"'.' title="' .htmlspecialchars($images->image_intro_caption) .'"';
    endif; ?>
    src="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($images->image_intro); ?>" alt="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($images->image_intro_alt); ?>"/>


    <div class="article-image pull-<?php echo htmlspecialchars($imgfloat); ?> span4">
    <a href="<?php echo JRoute::_(ContentHelperRoute::getArticleRoute($this->item->slug, $this->item->catid)); ?>">

    <?php if ($images->image_intro_caption):
    echo 'class="caption"'.' title="' .htmlspecialchars($images->image_intro_caption) .'"';
    endif; ?>
    src="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($images->image_intro); ?>" alt="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($images->image_intro_alt); ?>"/>

    <blockquote>Secondy, I wanted to connect my Facebook ID to my page. When I do this, the Facebook plugin disappears. What can I do about this?</blockquote>
    On this question, can you put the site’s url here or send me PM ? I will help you to check what is the root of this issue.

    bvk1987 Friend

    Thank you I will work on it soon.

    Another question.

    When I generate a sitemap, 25 links are something about: component/mailto/?tmpl=component&template=ja_fixel&amp

    What is this? When I use those links I get a 403 page so not very helpful for Google I assume.

    phong nam Friend


    That is the url of mailto component that you can find within the mail button on the Joomla articles, and I’m not sure why the XML generator can find that 403 errors. But, if this xml generator can help you to detect on which pages it found the 403 error of mailto component links, you can follow and fix it.

    To the FB url issue, the FB jQuery ( called repeatedly by the FB sharing buttons on Fixel articles and your installed FB plugin. That is why the FB plugin doesn’t work when you enter the Facebook ID. So, I suggest you to contact with this FB plugin’s developer to get better suggestion in this case.

    bvk1987 Friend

    How can I fix the links? I have never done that. What steps should I take?

    Who is the developer? I just used the standard Fixel Facebook plugin. I did not do anything special.

    BTW: is it possible to get responses from people in a normal way, with out facebook plugin?

    phong nam Friend

    Hi bvk1987,

    <blockquote>How can I fix the links? I have never done that. What steps should I take?</blockquote>

    The link (component/mailto/?tmpl=component&template=ja_fixel&amp) comes from the Email icon on article view so you just simple hide them in Article Options tab of Menu item settings.

    On the 2nd issue with FB plugin, it seems that the conflict comes from FB sharing button of AddThis application that our JA Bookmark plugin is getting the data. You can try to disable this plugin in Plugin Manager and re-enter Facebook page ID to Facebook AppID option of Template Manager again.

    1. image
    bvk1987 Friend

    The facebook problem is still there. Do you have other suggestions?

    Furthermore, how can I connect my facebook page to the facebook bookmark plugin which is shown in the top right corner? This also applies for Twitter, Instagram and Youtube. How can I connect my profiles to those buttons?

    bvk1987 Friend

    Is it possible to have comments, like in JA Smashboard for example?

    phong nam Friend


    <blockquote>The facebook problem is still there. Do you have other suggestions?</blockquote>
    Your recent PM just only contains the site’s url and I could not reproduce the same issue on our JA Fixel template. I will try to check and give your better suggestion in this case when you can send me the admin login info via PM.

    <blockquote>how can I connect my facebook page to the facebook bookmark plugin which is shown in the top right corner? This also applies for Twitter, Instagram and Youtube. How can I connect my profiles to those buttons?</blockquote>

    On JA Fixel template, we use a Custom HTML module to display the follow buttons of social channels, that means you do not need to use the JA Bookmark plugin in this case anymore.

    In order to connect your profiles to those buttons, you just need to do 2 steps:

    – Go to Global Configuration, select Editor – None in Default Editor option.
    – Go to Module Manager, find a Custom HTML module named “Social Link” and you can change the links to your social profiles.

    <blockquote>Is it possible to have comments, like in JA Smashboard for example? </blockquote>

    The answer is yes. We use the JA Disqus Debate Echo plugin to display the Disqus comments on the articles of JA Smashboard template. You can download the latest update of this plugin at here.

    bvk1987 Friend

    Thank you. Is there a Google+ button that can be added in the same style, for the top right corner?

    Another question. The big Google+, Facebook and Twitter modules, how can the likes be connected to those buttons? The facebook button has the following code: <div class=”facebook-like”> </div>. I guess a profile needs to be added? How can that be done?

    The JA Disqus Debate Echo Plugin can be used with the Fixel template with out any problems?

    Another problem: when you click on the different menu’s or articles in Google Chrome, the social link in the top right corner changes from 1×4 grid tot 2×2 grid with the lower 2 grids with a black background. Can you have a look? See image below.

    Is it possible to have facebook/google/twitter buttons “like” buttons on every page? Can that be enabled in Fixel or is there a plugin for it? I tried adding the code for buttons on an article, but when I click “like”, the homepage is mentioned on Facebook.

    1. social-problem
    phong nam Friend


    1. Is there a Google+ button that can be added in the same style, for the top right corner?

    It seems that the HTML codes of Google + button was not inputted correctly inside the Social link custom module. You can backup the HTML codes of that module and replace them with our default codes below:

    2. The big Google+, Facebook and Twitter modules, how can the likes be connected to those buttons? The facebook button has the following code: <div class=”facebook-like”> </div>. I guess a profile needs to be added? How can that be done?

    You can get that modules link to your social profiles with below steps:

    – Select Editor – None in Default Editor option of Global Configuration. This is a really important step to make the HTML codes with scripts to be saved correctly.

    – Facebook/ Google+ module: We use the Custom HTML module to display the social follow buttons and you can try on our codes:

    + Google:

    <div class="google-plus">
    <!-- Place this tag in your head or just before your close body tag. -->
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

    <!-- Place this tag where you want the share button to render. -->
    <div class="g-plus" data-action="share" data-annotation="bubble" data-height="24" data-href=""></div>

    + Facebook:

    <div class="facebook-like">
    <iframe src="//" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:150px; height:21px;" allowTransparency="true"></iframe>

    + Twitter: We use the JA Twitter module to display the follow button which you can refer the module backend settings at here.

    >> Note: You can change to your social profile links inside our suggested codes.

    3. The JA Disqus Debate Echo Plugin can be used with the Fixel template with out any problems?

    Yes ! Totally ok !

    4. when you click on the different menu’s or articles in Google Chrome, the social link in the top right corner changes from 1×4 grid tot 2×2 grid with the lower 2 grids with a black background. Can you have a look?

    You can sort this issue by following my 1st above and putting below css styles into templates/ja_fixel/css/custom.css file:

    .social-link {
    width: 240px;

    Create that custom.css file if it does not exist.

    5. Is it possible to have facebook/google/twitter buttons “like” buttons on every page? Can that be enabled in Fixel or is there a plugin for it?

    You can try on our JA Bookmark plugin that allows you to display the popular social buttons (FB, Google+, Twitter) on all Joomla articles and K2 items.

    The latest update of this plugin can be found in here and the documentation in

    bvk1987 Friend

    Concerning 5.

    I selected Display Mode: Manual. On every page, I will add {jabookmark} in order to show the social items. Currently I have the Facebook Like button, the Twitter Tweet button and the Google+ button. I did this using “Custom Button” and adding:

    <a class=”addthis_button_facebook_like” fb:like:layout=”button_count”></a>
    <a class=”addthis_button_tweet”></a>
    <a class=”addthis_button_google_plusone” g:plusone:size=”medium”>

    My problem now: the facebook button should be displayed next to the other buttons, as the first one (see image). When adding linkedin for example, twitter, google+ and linkedin are located next to each other. Facebook still on top.

    Also the facebook button should be in Dutch. Now it is in English.

    Concerning the Social Link at the top right, the code you mentioned does not result in the same design as the facebook, twitter and youtube buttons.

    1. social-media-items
    phong nam Friend


    The social buttons of Bookmark plugin do not stay on the same row because of the override style of FB widget in our themes. You can solve this issue by opening /templates/ja_fixel/css/themes/light/template.css file, change:

    .fb_iframe_widget span,
    .fb_iframe_widget iframe {
    width: 100% !important;


    .fb_iframe_widget span,
    .fb_iframe_widget iframe {
    width: 100%;

    On the Social Link module at the top right corner, I sent you the HTML codes of this module on our JA Fixel template demo. I am not sure what you meant “does not result in the same design as the facebook, twitter and youtube buttons.” ?

    bvk1987 Friend

    See image what I mean. I want to add a “follow on Google+” button next to follow on twitter, facebook and youtube. In the same style as the last three.

    I tried your code and it did not result in a matching button for the social link.

    Edit: when I make the last change you suggested in template.css, all my changes in the CSS-FC610 are automatically undone. They are restored to their original values (colours, width of menu etc.).

    1. google-
    phong nam Friend


    The social icons you see on the JA Fixel template demo is a background image containing the icons and we use the background-position to display that icons in line.

    If want to get a Google+ with the same style, you will need to edit the background image again and apply the background-position to display this new icon.

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