Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)
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  • aadilk4 Friend

    so ive created a client site, and would like to hand over, only i started having a few issues, my problem is that my images, from my slideshow on the main page sometimes just dissappear, and nothing shows on the front screen, also on my virtuemart products that i have on the site, they dont always show up, i have no clue what the problem might be!!

    please help!

    thanking you!

    chavan Friend

    Please post your site Url. I will have to look at it.

    aadilk4 Friend
    chavan Friend

    It is a cache problem.

    Please post your Site Admin details and ftp details in PM. Will fix it for you.

    chavan Friend

    Add this code to your template.css

    .ja-slideshowimage img{
    left:0 !important;

    This will fix the Slideshow problem

    aadilk4 Friend

    have you fixed teh other issues for me???
    i still see a problem …

    chavan Friend

    Did you Install any Plugin for resizing the image on home page for Virtuemart or any code on it ?

    aadilk4 Friend

    nothing at all!! It’s just the standard QuickStart from joomlart

    aadilk4 Friend

    still no luck??? and no response!

    Stork11 Friend

    Hello aadilk4,

    Can you send PM to me with your site information (your site URL, your site admin account) and your FTP account? So I can diagnose this problem. Will help you then.

    BTW, please include this forum thread URL in your PM, so I can follow it.

    Best regards.

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)

This topic contains 10 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Stork11 12 years, 8 months ago.

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