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  • jeroen07 Friend


    As you can see here, the images on the frontpage aren’t displayed like i would like too. I would just like to have them on the right, inline the text.

    When you click actually on an article, it’s displayed the right way….


    Phan Gam Friend

    For homepage of JA Rave template, article content is separated in 2 blocks, article’s thumbnail image and article’s content.
    “article-image” is always right to content, i think this mockup on your site is correct, but due to your image sizes, its not showing good.
    In your site, i could see you set for your content

    <div class="img_caption">
    <img width="194" height="94" style="float: right; margin-left: 3px;" alt="eadessel" src="/iendracht/images/stories/breed/logo/eadessel.gif">

    But in css code

    div.article-image .img_caption {
    float: right;
    height: 125px;
    margin-left: 10px;
    width: 125px;

    So your image is overflowing on article content.
    I think, you should resize your image, or re-style your css code.
    Hope that helps

    jeroen07 Friend

    And how can i delete that column so that the image is inline the text ? Like here:

    1. Untitled-2
    jeroen07 Friend

    Nobody who can help me here ?

    Now it has somekind of special effect on the frontpage, i would just want to completely delete it so that the image is displayed like you see it in the editor.

    Phill Moderator

    Can we have a link to your site? The one above does not show your Joomla page.

    jeroen07 Friend

    As an example:

    this is my image

    <p><img src=”images/stories/demo/sam-1.jpg” alt=”Sample Image” /></p>

    so no class or css as you can see.

    This is how it is displayed:

    I deleted the img caption in the hope that it would just be normal displayed but that don’t seem to help…

    Website: http://www.webcreatie.net/iendracht/

    1. vb
    Phill Moderator

    Try this but make backups first.

    Open templates>ja_rave>html>com_content>frontpage>default_item.php and around line 68 you will see

    div class="article-tools clearfix">

    Change to

    div class="article-tools">

    Open template.css and around line 257 find

    article-tools {


    change to

    article-tools {


    In template.css around line 298 find

    .article-content {


    and change to

    .article-content {

    You may also want to change the padding right on .haveimage to a smaller number than 140px

    I cannot test this as I do not have the facilities on my work laptop so get back to me with the results please.

    jeroen07 Friend

    Hi Phill,

    i can’t find .article-tools and .article-content in the template.css file. I checked the original template.css file and there I also can not find it …

    jeroen07 Friend

    Here you can see how it is now .. There’s some kind of column, but i don’t see those thing with other templates ?

    This is how i wanted it to be (don’t mind the stretched text). Just normal, aligned right (i’ll set that myself in the editor), INLINE the text …

    Hope you can help me …


    1. vb1
    2. vb2
    aman204 Friend

    1) How about removing this::

    .haveimage, .article_column .haveimage {template.css (line 851)
    padding-right:140px !important; >> remove

    2) then, go to::


    and locate this code ::

    <?php if ($images): ?>
    <div class=”article-image”>
    <div class=”img_caption”><?php echo $images ?></div>
    <?php endif; ?>

    and move it below this::

    <?php echo $this->item->event->beforeDisplayContent; ?>

    <div class=”article-content”>

    Hope this helps 🙂

    Phill Moderator

    Apologies, the template.css file you are looking for is in plugins>system>jat3>base-themes>default>css

    I assume you found the first bit OK?

    Here is a screengrab after those edits on your site in Firebug.

    1. Welcome-JA-Rave_1293181790326
    jeroen07 Friend

    <em>@aman204 210661 wrote:</em><blockquote>1) How about removing this::

    .haveimage, .article_column .haveimage {template.css (line 851)
    padding-right:140px !important; >> remove

    2) then, go to::


    and locate this code ::

    <?php if ($images): ?>
    <div class=”article-image”>
    <div class=”img_caption”><?php echo $images ?></div>
    <?php endif; ?>

    and move it below this::

    <?php echo $this->item->event->beforeDisplayContent; ?>

    <div class=”article-content”>

    Hope this helps :)</blockquote>

    Not really:

    1. 1
    jeroen07 Friend

    <em>@phill luckhurst 210662 wrote:</em><blockquote>Apologies, the template.css file you are looking for is in plugins>system>jat3>base-themes>default>css

    I assume you found the first bit OK?

    Here is a screengrab after those edits on your site in Firebug.


    That doesn’t help, everything remains the same…

    <blockquote>You may also want to change the padding right on .haveimage to a smaller number than 140px</blockquote>

    Cant find the .haveimage

    Phill Moderator

    Did you clear your cache?

    If you wish to PM me your ftp details and an admin logon I will try and make the edits for you.

    jeroen07 Friend

    <em>@phill luckhurst 210693 wrote:</em><blockquote>Did you clear your cache?

    If you wish to PM me your ftp details and an admin logon I will try and make the edits for you.</blockquote>

    Check your PM !

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 16 total)

This topic contains 16 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Phill 13 years, 12 months ago.

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