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  • GeoVi Friend

    Re: This Site [click]

    If you select Florist & Gift Shop from the main menu, the categories are listed. Why is the plant category image smaller than the images for Florals and Gift baskets, please? I have them sized the same. Referring to the vm_fp position.

    Also, I’d like to list numerous additional categories but do not wish the images to display there. I have disabled one category because the name as a link appeared. No room for the image.

    Can this be solved? If so, how? Hope I made sense.

    Thank you!

    Kind regards,
    Ms GeoVi

    Arvind Chauhan Moderator

    GeoVi;137846Re: This Site [click]

    If you select Florist & Gift Shop from the main menu, the categories are listed. Why is the plant category image smaller than the images for Florals and Gift baskets, please? I have them sized the same.

    I have fixed that. I removed the auto generated thumbnail from the category edit, downloaded your full Plant category image, made a smaller size 15ox191 px and uploaded the same.

    lets see about your remaining question.


    GeoVi Friend

    Arvind, I hit the jackpot today with your assistance! Thank you for the explanation, too. I can understand and as a Super Moderator, you know this could help others, too. That’s great!

    Forever grateful,
    Ms GeoVi

    Arvind Chauhan Moderator

    GeoVi;137858Arvind, I hit the jackpot today with your assistance! Thank you for the explanation, too. I can understand and as a Super Moderator, you know this could help others, too. That’s great!

    Forever grateful,
    Ms GeoVi

    Also, I’d like to list numerous additional categories but do not wish the images to display there. I have disabled one category because the name as a link appeared. No room for the image.

    Can this be solved? If so, how? Hope I made sense.</blockquote>

    I am not sure if this is possible, as per my knowledge, the “category browse” does not provide such flexibility. May be you can try using category listing module in the left / right side?

    Well, I could get sufficient time today to be of much assistance. Lately been quite busy due to transfer and increased load of duties at new place.

    Regards & Peace,


    GeoVi Friend

    Ok, I will use that suggestion. In VM’s forum, I read that you could have virtually infinite categories but I see the difference is with “browsing” the categories. I just made the connection. I’ll use a module and place in right/left module position.

    My good fortune to have your help.

    Peace and best wishes to you, Arvind.


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This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  GeoVi 15 years, 2 months ago.

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