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  • simone82 Friend

    Hi guys,
    today I perform a migration from Joomla 1.5.23 to 1.7 with JAEvents template and jUpgrade extension.
    First, I try with a fresh installation of Joomla: I see the content but remain impossibile to install JA extensions.
    Second, I try to use the quickstart installation provide by JA, and the result is that I can see the extensions but no content. For ex., this is mmy homepage:

    Where’s the article? Where’s the menu? No link, no data, but the tables are full.
    Second problem: with jUpgrade, if I install a fresh Joomla 1.7, the content is migrating correctly. If I use a JA quickstart, the table xx_content is empty: no articles are migrating.

    In a few word, I’m impossible to migrate from 1.5.23 to 1.7 with JAEvents. Naturally I wrong in a way, but where? Can you help me? :((

    PS: now I’m in localhost, in this moment no online version for my site.

    1. jaevents
    Manos Moderator


    Well quickstart is for new installations so in that case you probably have just a new site with demo content. Unfortunately the migration is not that easy yet.

    I assume you have a backup of your site don’t you?

    If so try to migrate again and then install all JA Modules / plugins on your migrated site. If you get an error post here and we will be more than happy to help you.



    simone82 Friend

    I try to migrate 5 times… With a fresh installation and JA extensions on migrated site, too. The problem persist.
    Now, I resolve to show my content in home page, but I don’t see any extensions and the main menu haven’t active links.

    Yes, the migration is not easy, but very hard. Probably the problem is inside the new system permission, but I can’t find any solution on this: infact, if I change template with a built in Joomla 1.7, I’ve the same problem. When I migrating with a fresh install, I see extensions and articles on home page, but not the image.
    In other case, the problem is inside the jUpgrade, but if past 8 months still unresolved, probably the core changes are very big to perform in a migration. And in a few month we have a magor release Joomla 1.8… :((

    If I try to migrate first to 1.6 and then to 1.7, do you think that I resolve these problems?

    Manos Moderator

    It’s always a way to get thinks sorted out… you should try migrating from 1.5 to 1.6 and then to 1.7.
    I have made upgrades from 1.5 to 1.7 but it wasn’t easy at all 🙁



    simone82 Friend

    Ok, I’ll perform a migration to 1.6.6 and update to 1.7.0: I can resolve some problems but other problems still unresolved. I can’t visualize the extensions on home page, for example.
    Naturally, the installation from quick start work perfectly, but if I try to copy the parameters, Joomla don’t recognize and don’t visualize any data.
    IMHO, jUpgrade is made for a standard installation of Joomla, without 3rd party templates and extensions: I don’t know how other users perform the migration, for my site seems impossible. :((

    I report an issue: when install JAEvents 1.2, if I decompressed in a tmp folder, it’s ok; if I try from a zip package, I can’t install the template.

    simone82 Friend

    Updating: it seems that if I copy the parameters inside the quick start installation, I obtain module in my Joomla migration. I don’t know why with default parameters not show.
    I’ll try to complete a correct configuration, but is an hard work. I hope for a rock version for jUpgrade, that work correctly. 🙂

    simone82 Friend

    Updating: in the left column I can’t see elements because in JAEvents 1.2.0 for Joomla 1.7 the position is not “left” but “position-7” on my installation. Another problem resolved. 🙂

    Manos Moderator

    <em>@simone82 266024 wrote:</em><blockquote>
    I report an issue: when install JAEvents 1.2, if I decompressed in a tmp folder, it’s ok; if I try from a zip package, I can’t install the template.</blockquote>

    I guess this one has to do with server limits on file uploads.



    simone82 Friend

    Possible, but I don’t think because I’m on localhost.
    Second, the JA Twitter Module named Twitter Buzz! not show in my Module Manager: installed correctly, I see it correctly in Extensions Manager, but not as module. Have you an idea for this?
    Simil error for K2…

    EDIT: the problem is inside jUpgrade, yet.
    When you migrating to 1.7.0, jUpgrade copy the entire database, with reference for extensions. If you try to install an extensions compatibile with Joomla 1.7, the correct procedure is:

    • install compatibile module
    • disinstall module
    • purge database from references for this module
    • reinstall the module

    With this procedure I resolve the problem of non visualization of certain module in Module Manager.

    Manos Moderator

    <em>@simone82 266492 wrote:</em><blockquote>Possible, but I don’t think because I’m on localhost.
    Second, the JA Twitter Module named Twitter Buzz! not show in my Module Manager: installed correctly, I see it correctly in Extensions Manager, but not as module. Have you an idea for this?

    Well even on localhost it’s still a web server. (you have php and mysql settings)

    If you try to create a new module can you see Twitter Buzz ? If not try to reinstall this one.



    mfcphil Friend

    I thought I had some missing modules….Try – Add New and see if there is a Twitter in the new list

    simone82 Friend

    As I wrote, a fast way to resolve the problem without lose the parameters is install module, disinstall module, purge the database storing the sensible information, reinstall the module. That’s all.
    In this moment I resolve the 99% of problems in my migration: all JA template and extensions now work correctly. Question: is the JA Facebook Share no longer developed for Joomla 1.7? It’s interesting for me to show the hundreds of sharing post on my site. 🙂

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This topic contains 12 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  simone82 13 years, 4 months ago.

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