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  • sylvainboas Friend

    I want to transform my http://www.aigledenice.com website working on ja_university from one language to two languages french and english. I have set 3 menus: Menu Principal all, Menu Principal EN and Menu Principal FR

    At this time and until I implement all this, I still use the “Menu Pricipal ALL” which is “All languages”.
    To access the multilingual part of the site and see the language switcher, you must register in IDENTIFICATION PANEL under the menu itam “COMPTE”. In using the user and pwd that I have provided, you will be able to see the 2 flags and access some content in one of the two languages .

    Except that:

    In clicking on the english and french flag, you will understand where my problem comes from:

    If the content change (I haven’t enter any text in english language but you zill notice that a few phrases are in English when selecting GB flag…), the menu remains the same.

    I I go to Template Manager and to one of the styles of my ja_university profile (I also have a style AIGLE DE NICE FR and I have cloned AIGLEDE NICE EN with default to English and cloned AIGLEDE NICE FRwith default to French) , the choice of the menu can only be chosen at the DEFAULT level and I have to choose one of my three menus (MENU PRINCIPAL ALL, MENU PRINCIPAL FR and MENU PRINCIPAL EN).

    The problem is that If I set the choice of the menu to for example MENU PRINCIPAL EN, and valid the profile, when I will go to modify style AIGLE DE NICE FR, the menu will already set to EN…

    I have read a lost of posts of people having the same problem, even in Joomlart forums, but any of the answers does not work for me.

    One of the solutions that I have found in your forum was this one:

    Go to template manager and click ja uni. Create a new template style by cloning the default one and naming it default-spanish. You can then assign that profile the Spanish mega menu, under the mega menu option. Then you go to language and page assign tab and add all the Spanish pages to your new template style. You will need to assign the English pages to another template style that calls the English mega menu. I took me ages to figure out how to use this template for multi lingual use. Make sure you have setup all the filters and switcher plugins and have a third mega menu for ‘all’.

    The problem is that I cannot access the Mega Menu . In “Profiles” section, I have a part called ‘Menu Type” where I can choose my Menu Fr or Menu EN, but the Menu System below cannot be edited… It is set to Mega Menu but I cannot select it or change the selection. The item is gray: Inactive. Are my problems coming from this ?

    Of course, you can access to my backend to change anything related to this problem, My customer is not happy to have to wait for this but I cannot find any brilliant idea.

    Thank you,

    pavit Moderator


    <blockquote>The problem is that I cannot access the Mega Menu . In “Profiles” section, I have a part called ‘Menu Type” where I can choose my Menu Fr or Menu EN, but the Menu System below cannot be edited… It is set to Mega Menu but I cannot select it or change the selection. The item is gray: Inactive. Are my problems coming from this ?</blockquote>

    You cannot change the default profile settings , but since to your pages is assigned the blue profile you can change it

    1. Screenshot_8
    sylvainboas Friend

    Thank you !

    I never saw this small checkbox in the right of the panel !

    Now I can change any of the settings in checking this box…

    The only remark that I have is that it is not easy to find 😉 it should be more visible…

    Anyway you save my day ! 🙂

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