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  • dragonlord Friend

    The Rutile Template is really good, but it would be nearly perfect if you could add an this 2 module style suffix that looks like this on youtube

    Please reconsider that 🙂

    2Patrick Friend

    Hi I support you DEFINITELY.

    How can Is i sign the petition ?

    mfcphil Friend

    I would like to see more suffix options to all future templates created…

    The -hilite module in fagus is a nice example of a good module suffix….but there was only the one option for that template.
    A lot of template don’t have any suffix classes, which is a pity really.

    ckinsell Friend

    Hi definately needed. Seems strange that they dont include them

    Menalto Friend

    To use a module suffix you can change the look of the template totally and with a little inspiration/knowledge you can do whatever you want with it:)

    dragonlord Friend

    <em>@Menalto 82121 wrote:</em><blockquote>To use a module suffix you can change the look of the template totally and with a little inspiration/knowledge you can do whatever you want with it:)</blockquote>

    How do you mean that? Do you mean that we can do a module class suffix easily by ourselves? If yes tell us how 🙂

    Menalto Friend

    For the suffixes above(the images you attached), that would not take long time to make them, you can either use just css(but no rounded corners), use images and get rounded corners or use javascript(which i dont prefer to use on this thing).

    How is your css and photoshop skills?

    dragonlord Friend

    <em>@Menalto 82136 wrote:</em><blockquote>For the suffixes above(the images you attached), that would not take long time to make them, you can either use just css(but no rounded corners), use images and get rounded corners or use javascript(which i dont prefer to use on this thing).

    How is your css and photoshop skills?</blockquote>

    My skills in CSS and Photoshop are average. To make eligible graphics for the modules it woulb be to hard for me i believe. But CSS modifications i could do i believe. The second attached module in the first posting should be able to make only with CSS because there is only to modify the backgrund color. The first module i am not sure if the grey background only at the top end of the box could do only with css, i guess here i would have to make graphics, right?

    rounded borders would be nice, but aren’t really necessary. Those modul class suffixes mentioned in the first posting with squared corners would suffice.

    Could you explain how to do a modul class suffix?


    Menalto Friend

    I can try to do a write up in the weekend on how to do it:)

    2Patrick Friend

    Hi Menalto

    We will all be grateful if you could do it.

    Module suffixes are a great way to customize templates and its a pity that so far we only have one choice ( -hilite ) .

    What we would like is :

    – choice so we can use any colors
    – different colors for header ,body and text
    – opportunity to insert icons

    Off course any help on how to implement the 2 modules Dragon Lord has displayed in this thread would be just fantastic.

    Then you and Dragon Lord need to get this year’s JA Oscars !

    mfcphil Friend

    Along the same line but not very skillful I added extra stickynotes to my website…so I think the principle would be the same.

    Read this post

    See the results on this page here all the coloured boxes and the adobe box at the bottom are just copied and renamed stickynotes…;)

    2Patrick Friend

    Hi Menalto

    Did you get a chance to do some write up on the module suffix ?

    ukfraternite Friend

    I support this project.

    scotty Friend

    I posted a tutorial on this a few weeks ago. Find it here.

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