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  • rangkuk Friend

    i used joomla 1.0.15 and temp JA Purity.
    in file ja_vars.php and line: 46,47
    i can’t used 2 menu ( moo and css)
    # Define Horizontal Navigation style
    $horNavType = “css”; // “css”: Sukerfish menu style; “moo”: MooMenu style;
    i try change moo and css but in front end the menu not show drop.
    someone help me
    bog thanks

    hkeyzer Friend

    What are your lines 45 & 49?

    Can we see your site?

    rangkuk Friend

    i’m building website. u can see this link: http://daithaicable.com/News
    thanks a lot

    hkeyzer Friend


    ja_vars.php has the following lines 44 to 49 – how does it compare with yours?:

    # Define Horizontal Navigation type
    $horNav = 1; // 0: disable; 1: Use Embeded Navigation; 2: Use external module;
    # Define Horizontal Navigation style
    $horNavType = “css”; // “css”: Sukerfish menu style; “moo”: MooMenu style;
    # Which menu you want to put on Horizontal Navigation
    $horNavMenuType = “topmenu”;// You can choose “othermenu”,”topmenu”,…

    rangkuk Friend

    yeah i think this problem can solved
    thanks a lot

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  rangkuk 16 years, 7 months ago.

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