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  • Tech-xml Friend

    How to correct this view?
    And translate the date for the Portuguese.


    1. Capturar
    gray Friend

    in the administrator/languages/en-GB/en-GB.plg_system_jat3.ini you’ll find a row

    I think default language of your site is not English (maybe Portuguese). So, rename that file to pt-BR.plg_system_jat3.ini, translate at least the front-end strings (they go at the beginning) and place it to administrator/languages/pt-BR/ folder.

    Tech-xml Friend

    I’m not able to translate the appearance date for the Portuguese

    Current: 04-25-2011

    Portuguese: 25/04/2011

    Must also translate the names of the months

    thangnn1510 Friend

    Please give your login information (FTP/Admin account) to your support ticket YRS-888-76299. We’ll check with further detail for you.

    gray Friend

    <em>@insofticursos 236348 wrote:</em><blockquote>I’m not able to translate the appearance date for the Portuguese

    Current: 04-25-2011

    Portuguese: 25/04/2011

    Must also translate the names of the months</blockquote>

    Do you reffer to the date given in the 3 blocks at the top left conner? If so, try the following:

    In /templates/ja_teline_iv/blocks/topbar.php find
    <p class=”ja-day clearfix”>
    echo “<span class=”day”>”.date (‘D’).”</span>”;
    echo “<span class=”month”>”.date (‘m’).”</span>”;
    echo “<span class=”date”>”.date (‘d’).”</span>”;
    echo “<span class=”year”>”.date (‘Y’).”</span>”;

    replace with
    <p class=”ja-day clearfix”>
    echo “<span class=”day”>” . JText::_(date (‘l’)) . “</span>”;
    echo “<span class=”date”>”.date (‘d’).”</span>”;
    echo “<span class=”month”>”.date (‘m’).”</span>”;
    echo “<span class=”year”>”.date (‘Y’).”</span>”;

    Tech-xml Friend

    Thanks Solved

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

This topic contains 6 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Tech-xml 13 years, 8 months ago.

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