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  • nathanbohn Friend

    I am only using the right column in the template. I need to increase its size. Being thick right now, so any help would be lovely.

    stuart29 Friend

    #ja-col2 line513
    float: right;
    width: 49.9% <—— think you just increase that

    could be wrong

    Sherlock Friend

    Hi nathanbohn.
    Stuart29 said right, but you must change so much css to have what you want
    Good luck

    nathanbohn Friend

    got it, had to take some time away from it to get it.

    #ja-containerwrap-c #ja-container-inner {

    background: url(../images/vdot2.gif) repeat-y 71% 0;


    #ja-containerwrap-c #ja-content {

    width: 70%;


    #ja-containerwrap-c #ja-colwrap {

    width: 30%;


    line 570 or so…
    the line #ja-containerwrap-c #ja-container-inner is where the row of vertical dots are displayed.

    the line #ja-containerwrap-c #ja-content is the width of the body column, had to decrease this to increase the right column size.

    the line #ja-containerwrap-c #ja-colwrap is the width of both columns, left and right.

    adjust the widths then adjust the vertical dots so they are balance between the main body and the side column.
    Hope that helps someone….

    philistiner Friend

    Thanks for your help – that would have been a nightmare to figure out! I find that it’s a little tight with those numbers. Margins looked squished. I found this combo worked well.

    #ja-containerwrap-c #ja-container-inner {

    background: url(../images/vdot2.gif) repeat-y 71% 0;


    #ja-containerwrap-c #ja-content {

    width: 68%;


    #ja-containerwrap-c #ja-colwrap {

    width: 28%;


    nathanbohn Friend

    nice, yeah I was only using once column so your mileage may vary

    jarocho Friend

    File for this changues ?


Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

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