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  • acho Friend


    My hosting company reports that index php of my site /still under construction/ uses a lot of CPU /I have on the same hosting phpbb forum for 5 years and never got this problem.

    The site is not yed ready and no visits to it

    How is possible to have index.php to use so much cpu?

    Thank you

    chavan Friend

    <em>@acho 228190 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi,

    My hosting company reports that index php of my site /still under construction/ uses a lot of CPU /I have on the same hosting phpbb forum for 5 years and never got this problem.

    The site is not yed ready and no visits to it

    How is possible to have index.php to use so much cpu?

    Thank you</blockquote>

    How many Visitors you get per day and how about your bandwidth status

    chavan Friend

    <em>@Chavan 228275 wrote:</em><blockquote>How many Visitors you get per day and how about your bandwidth status</blockquote>

    Change to default Joomla template rhukmilky way and check if this error occurs again

    acho Friend

    The visitor should be very low since the site is not yet operational and no more than 3 people know about it.

    The badwidht usage is 900 meg for march /reported by cpanel and including ftp traffic/.

    The forum I have generated 11 gig so far and no cpu issues.

    I swithced to milkyway template to see what will be the result

    acho Friend

    when I swithced to rhukmilky the load dropped down
    any ideas?

    Thank you

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    <em>@acho 228456 wrote:</em><blockquote>when I swithced to rhukmilky the load dropped down
    any ideas?

    Thank you</blockquote>

    Could you provide necessary login info (supper admin & ftp account) in your ticket to us so we can easier check the site?

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    hi acho, I can see your site is running with a quite normal speed, with those login info I could not check the cpu usage of index.php, but I think that is due to many modules on the frontpage, you can try to disable unnecessary modules. Teline iv is powered by Ja t3 framework, hence it requires more cpu processing compared with normal joomla templates. You should also turn on cache to speed it up.

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

This topic contains 7 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Ninja Lead 13 years, 10 months ago.

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