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  • abdullah canipek Friend

    I want to 15 articels in home page, but “load next set” function is not working. When i click this button then seen loading message and close so next set never load.

    What causes this problem?

    1. 1
    MoonSailor Friend

    Pls PM me admin and url credentials of your site, I need to have a closer look and will give you suggestion then.

    abdullah canipek Friend

    i sent a massage from p.m.

    MoonSailor Friend

    The error occurred because your site used SEF for pagination “xxx-2″,”xxx-3”,…

    I helped to get this fixed. In the files: “templates/ja_fixel/html/com_content/category/fixel.php” and “templates/ja_fixel/html/com_content/featured/default.php” I changed:

    $urlparams = '';
    if (!empty($this->pagination->_additionalUrlParams)){
    foreach ($this->pagination->_additionalUrlParams as $key => $value) {
    $urlparams .= '&' . $key . '=' . $value;

    $next = $this->pagination->limitstart + $this->pagination->limit;
    $nextlink = JRoute::_($urlparams . '&' . $this->pagination->prefix . 'limitstart=' . $next);


    $urlparams = '';
    $urlquery = JRequest::get( 'get' );
    $urlparams = http_build_query($urlquery);

    $next = $this->pagination->limitstart + $this->pagination->limit;
    if($urlquery[$this->pagination->prefix.'limitstart']) {
    $urlquery[$this->pagination->prefix.'limitstart'] = $next;
    $urlparams = http_build_query($urlquery);
    $urlparams .='&'.$this->pagination->prefix.'limitstart='.$next;
    $nextlink = JRoute::_('index.php?'.$urlparams);

    and In the “templates/ja_fixel/js/script.js” file, I changed:

    else {
    this.type = 'unk';
    this.number = 2;
    this.path = this.path + (this.path.indexOf('?') == -1 ? '?' : '') + 'start=';


    //else {
    //this.type = 'unk';
    //this.number = 2;
    //this.path = this.path + (this.path.indexOf('?') == -1 ? '?' : '') + 'start=';

    Pls check again.

    Note: you should backup 3 files above in case you need to upgrade to new template version later on.

    abdullah canipek Friend

    I really appreciate you, but there is a small problem ;

    when i set main menu item limit 15 then it load existing articles again. I have tried a lot of variation but i can not fix this ?

    1. Ekran-Alnts
    2. Ekran-Alnts
    MoonSailor Friend

    When I disabled ajax loading pagination or remove override component content, it showed error as you reported.

    But when I disable SEF, it showed correctly.

    Please PM me FTP credentials, I need to have a closer investigation.

    abdullah canipek Friend

    Thanks for your help and i have sent you P.M. please help again 🙁

    MoonSailor Friend

    @asccanipek: The issue relates to the MijoSef component. I am not entirely sure the root of issue. I see the SEF url “anasayfa/sayfa-2” could not return to the real url:


    I believe something wrong from the component (with component disabled, your site runs as normal). I think you should contact mijosoft for better help in this case.

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This topic contains 8 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  MoonSailor 10 years, 5 months ago.

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