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  • tarun_now Friend

    When a person go to “Image & Links” Tab of Create Article a bonus page

    There are two option
    1. Intro Image

    2. Full article Image.

    When he clicks on “Select” than a pop up appears as can be seen in attached pic.

    When a person uploads the picture than it is first stored in list of pictures as can be seen in the attachment. The list of picture is in place where banner folder could be seen in attached pic.

    The person have to select the uploaded picture from the list showing many pictures.

    What I WANT?

    1. I would request you to make the pop up so that there is only upload feature- (either from local computer or upload from a URL)

    2. only the uploaded picture is seen as preview and no list of pictures,

    3. when the person clicks “insert”, only the picture that is uploaded and shown as preview is selected.

    Please also tell me the file and code modified so that I may not trouble you when the file gets modified due to update.

    Thanks in advance


    1. Insert-Image1
    Ninja Lead Moderator

    Please follow-up your ticket : #ZNX-491-70334

    giuliano m Friend

    Hi Ninja Lead, but What is the solution for this problem??:)


    Ninja Lead Moderator

    I spent a lot of time reading ACL in joomla userguide : http://docs.joomla.org/J2.5:Access_Control_List_Tutorial

    You will not be able to do that because the client is able to browse for any image that’s already in the Media Manager, but there is no interface for uploading new image to the site. That’s because the Media Manager is a separate component from the Article Manager, and because of that, it has its own set of permissions. What’s more, the Media Manager does not appear in the menu structure for the back end of Joomla when logged in as the client.

    To change this, flip to your super user login, go to Content – Media Manager – Options – Permissions, set Access Administration Interface and Create to Allow

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This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Ninja Lead 11 years, 1 month ago.

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