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  • matgray87 Friend

    When importing the Instagram content and saving image, a small image is saved – how do I make this the larger version?

    Also, the length of the title is truncated – is there a way to increase the maximum amount of letters?

    When the content is imported to an article, it is imported into the full text in

    <div class=”instagram-item”>
    <div class=”content”>

    How do I change the default class that the text is imported to… where is the template for the import?


    Saguaros Moderator

    Hi Matt,

    Could you post your site’s URL here and illustrate the modification you expect via screenshot so that I can give suggestion?

    matgray87 Friend

    Hi, the site is annings.mattgraydesign.co.uk (very much in its infancy).
    The images it’s pulling in are 306x306px: http://annings.mattgraydesign.co.uk/images/jasocial_feed/e95b375abe702bcddedd259fb2a1b888.jpg
    Is it possible to pull it in larger than this?
    Also, the plugin doesn’t seem to be importing content automatically as expected… only manual imports are working.
    I can provide login details if you can look at the back-end?

    Saguaros Moderator

    Hi Matt,

    With the instagram’s image, you can try going to this file: pluginssystemjasocial_feedjasocial_feed.php

    At approx line 826, you replace this line of code:
    [PHP]$post[‘source_images’] = $this->saveImage($dt->image, ‘instagram’, $title, $title);[/PHP]

    With this one:
    [PHP]$post[‘source_images’] = $this->saveImage(preg_replace(‘#_a(.{2,3})$#i’, ‘_n$1’, $dt->image), ‘instagram’, $title, $title);[/PHP]

    clean all caches and import again.

    matgray87 Friend

    Excellent, thanks again!

    I managed to find why the names were truncated too… on line 1228:

    private function getPostTitle($txt) {
    $txt = strip_tags($txt);
    $txt = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9.,-_?!@#s]/', '', $txt);
    if(strlen($txt) > 100) {
    $posDot = strpos($txt, '.', 50);
    $posCom = strpos($txt, ',', 50);
    if($posDot !== false && $posDot < 100) {
    $txt = substr($txt, 0, $posDot);
    } elseif($posCom !== false && $posCom < 100) {
    $txt = substr($txt, 0, $posCom);
    } else {
    $txt = substr($txt, 0, 100);

    return $txt;

    The last problem that I’m finding is that the date isn’t imported as the creation date on Instagram – is it possible to set that too?


    Saguaros Moderator

    This depends on Instagram itself, at this moment, it doesn’t provide info for published date in the information of ‘feed’ from Instagram. Hence JA Social Feed can’t display date on Instagram.

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