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  • matt2047 Friend


    I am wanting to install the Flash Rotator (module developed by Joomlashack) into the JA Mageia template I have. I really want it to be in the top graphic position, which is just a static image based on the template file.

    Can this be done? If not, how would I get this image rotator to be in the main body section of the template?

    Thanks for the assistance!

    dozza Friend

    Yes, that can be done (use Flash Rotator).

    Alternatively you can use ja_slideshow module (from Joomlart) which dows the same thing (display an array of images with transitions options) which you can download as part of the JA Eredite template.

    I’ve use ja_slideshow in the header in a JA Mageia templated site at

    Hope that helps.

    matt2047 Friend

    Hi Dozza,

    Thanks for the info. Your website looks awesome with that in place!

    Can you detail though how you accomplished that? Just simply publish to the header module position, or are there any hoops to jump through?

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone. 😀

    dozza Friend

    To use ja_slide show, download the JA_Edenite template for J1.5 from

    In there youll find the ja_slideshow extension.

    Install it.

    Open index .php and have the header code as follows….

    <!-- BEGIN: HEADER -->
    <div id="ja-headerwrap" class="clearfix">

    <div id="ja-header">

    <div id="ja-newsflash">
    <jdoc:include type="modules" name="user5" style="xhtml" />
    <div id="flashheader">
    <jdoc:include type="modules" name="flashheader" style="xhtml" />
    <div id="ja-pathwaywrap" class="clearfix">

    Then in the TemplateDetails.xml file, ensure you add the new position (e.g. <position>flashheader</position>), so my .xml file has this at the bottom….


    Go into module manager and publish the Ja_slideshow module to the new unique user position – i’ve called mine ‘flashheader’.

    Youl” need to tweak the module parameters and the slideshow css to fit too.

    Have a try.

    jens_blank Friend

    After adjusting the index.php I get an error screen! HELP!

    matt2047 Friend

    Well, how about giving us some specifics, jens_blank? It’s impossible to help you without knowing exactly what type of error we’re working with here.

    matt2047 Friend

    Hi Dozza,

    I am trying to implement this in my Joomla 1.0 site using the coding you provided, but I’m not getting a breakthrough. Probably because I’m not very good with CSS, etc.

    Here’s my site:

    I’m just getting a blank space overhead. I just realized your instructions were for Joomla 1.5, so I’m thinking that may be what’s throwing me off here, not sure. Appreciate the assistance greatly.

    neosonic Friend

    Looks like if you get an error after this proccess – you might have an issue.
    Your GD library might not be installed or enabled on your server.

    i got this error.
    Fatal error: Call to undefined function imagecreatefromjpeg() in /var/www/ on line 306

    got a call into my server admin to see if this resolves the issue.
    will update afterwards.

    neosonic Friend

    OK. So – I enabled the GD library and we’re good to go.
    Now i have an issue with the ja-pathwaywrap not displaying correctly with the transparent BG – i’ve fiddled with it a bit to no avail. Any suggestions on the css to change in the template_css.css? right now it simply reads:

    #ja-pathwaywrap {
    background: url(../images/opaque-default.png);
    clear: both;
    height: 30px;

    neosonic Friend

    dozza – any suggestions? the site is sitting on

    dozza Friend

    Sorry for slack reply…

    Looks like you nailed it though neosonic?

    dejansu Friend

    dozza, i did it your way, but i don’t know how to edit slideshow css file to fit the screen.
    look at the and you will see the problem.

    dozza Friend

    Dejan, you may want to supply a screen grab to your message above of the problem, so that people will see what the following solution relates to!

    To remove the grey bar at the bottom of the slideshow images (this is the background colour of ja_header which is too deep), in template.css file around line 815, change…

    #ja-headerwrap {
    background: #5D6B74;
    position: relative;
    height: 200px;
    line-height: normal;

    #ja-header {
    height: 200px;


    #ja-headerwrap {
    background: #5D6B74;
    position: relative;
    height: 170px;
    line-height: normal;

    #ja-header {
    height: 170px;

    Then to remove the extra white bar still below the slideshow. The module within the flashheader that loads the slideshow has 30 margin and 10 padding at the bottom and this is currently controlled around line 990 in the same file

    Where it reads…

    div.moduletable {
    padding: 0 10px 10px;
    margin-bottom: 30px;

    Change it to…

    div.moduletable {
    padding: 0 10px;
    margin-bottom: 0;

    NOTE* You may want to make a specific bit of css for this individual module within the flashheader div, as the latter change will affect all instances of ‘div.moduletable_menu’ and ‘div.moduletable’

    Are your images also too big? They only need to be about 568 x170

    dejansu Friend

    I did it like you sad. It is ok now, exept I want to have picture also in the breadcumb, like original header.
    Can you tell me what is the problem?

    dozza Friend

    What height are your images and have youcreate any extra divs in the header?

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