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  • pitxi_glass Friend

    Is it possible to transfer virtuemart template from another Joomlart template?

    For example, from the template Mixmaz

    Thank you!

    Luna Garden Moderator

    Hello Pitxi_glass,

    Example, you copy from JA Mixmaz, copy folder: <blockquote>templatesja_vintashtmlcom_virtuemart</blockquote>
    and file: <blockquote>templatesja_mixmazcssvirtuemart.css</blockquote>
    to new template folder.

    But remember, not all style can be transfered, you have to restyle again.

    pitxi_glass Friend

    Thank you!
    I copied the files into ja_mero template, but I see no change. Do I need to configure something in Virtuemart?

    Luna Garden Moderator


    Please go to Components > Virtuemart > Configuration > Configuration > Templates

    Under headings: Select the default template for your Shop & Category Template select ja_mero.

    Please beware that template for VirtueMart of JA Mixmaz works well in JA Mixmaz, we style for this JA Mixmaz only, if you copy and use it for another template, you need to re-style it to make it looks smooth. This custom work takes time so we can’t support. Hope you understand us.

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This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Luna Garden 12 years ago.

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