<em>@fitito 335619 wrote:</em><blockquote>Dear friends,
I was trying to install sample data base with Quickstart installation but when I click on the button, I don’t received the message that it is installed. And when I try to go to the last step, a message appear and says: that the process has not finished. I wait but nothing happens. I have tried this several times, and always happens the same.
Any solution?
Thank you very much!</blockquote>
Hello fitito,
You should extract the installation file (the zip file), then open 2 following SQL files:
After that, replace all strings “ENGINE=MyISAM” by “TYPE=MyISAM” in these files of installation file.
Finally, re-compress the installation file, then re-install the template.
Please check and let me know if you need any further assistance.
Best regards.