Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)
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  • victortopper Friend


    I have just downloaded the templates
    JA TELNE II but I do not manage to install it, somebody can ma’ help for this installation.
    I am beginner to have a tuto for that if possible

    Thank you


    Sherlock Friend

    plz read User manual, or maybe you can use JA’s custom work services

    kashxo Friend

    Please follow this thread to install JA Teline II on your site:

    – Thread moved to JA Teline II section –

    victortopper Friend


    I installed the package ja_teline_ii_templates.zip well but my concern it is that I do not find the small parameter to configure the template. I use a French version of joomla

    Thank you for your assistance


    victortopper Friend

    Can nobody answer me has this question how of making to configure the template in the administration?

    In more or to find the extensions to add the menus

    Thank you

    Sherlock Friend

    If you use joomla 1.5,plz go to admin, click Extenions-> Templates manager menu, then choose Ja teline 2 to edit, you will see all paramaters, plz edit as you want

    victortopper Friend


    I use 1.0.15 joomla for my site. Interfaces more I took JA teline v1.2 for joomla 1.015.

    victortopper Friend

    Hello M.nguoiabcd,

    Excuse me, my English is very approximate. If you can help me to install my template on joomla 1.0.15 while providing me is a URL or I must find a tutorial installation

    Thank you for your comprehension

    victortopper Friend

    With the assistance!

    Nobody cannot help me to set up this template

    Thank you

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)

This topic contains 9 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  victortopper 16 years, 7 months ago.

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