test melih
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  • assassin9110 Friend

    Hi there,

    I have a website in Joomla 1.5 and say if I want to use the T3 framework, how do i go about this?

    Would i have to unpack the T3 framework files (from the quickstart folder) over the exisiting website or is there another way?

    I want to keep the same template as my Joomla 1.5 site but i want to use some of the functions of T3 framework.

    Thank you

    kobenes Friend

    Which functinos of JAT3 do you want to use?

    assassin9110 Friend

    thanks for the fast reply,

    I want to use MegaMenu for one, and maybe afer some other functions.

    So how do i go about this?

    Thank you

    veeco Friend

    please view screencast on youtube.. there’s a presentation specifically about mega menu

    assassin9110 Friend

    Thanks, but like how do i apply the framework, do i just install it (the quickfiles) over the exisiting server or is there another way?

    assassin9110 Friend

    any help please?

    korb Friend

    <em>@assassin9110 202598 wrote:</em><blockquote>Thanks, but like how do i apply the framework, do i just install it (the quickfiles) over the exisiting server or is there another way?</blockquote>

    Mate, I suggest see some Joomla! basic knowledge.
    Then read wikies in my signature.
    Watch some tutorials on Youtube http://www.youtube.com/user/JoomlArt

    Good day,

    filmstar Friend

    <em>@korb 202826 wrote:</em><blockquote>Mate, I suggest see some Joomla! basic knowledge.
    Then read wikies in my signature.
    Watch some tutorials on Youtube http://www.youtube.com/user/JoomlArt

    Good day,

    That is an excellent promotional video with a thumping soundtrack that says nothing about how to install the T3 framework.

    Some of us have been using Joomla for a while, experimenting with various templates and have come across Joomlart, which seems like a great step forward. It is clearly the product of developers who are quite immersed in the subject though less than patient with customers.

    As a new customer it remains tantalisingly out of reach until I can find where, on this labyrinthine website, I might find some simple instructions on how to upload the correct files and get it all started.

    Any clues?

    Scott Lavelle Friend

    I have built a complete site using this framework and I’m working on a second one now. In both cases, I started with the quickstart, but you don’t have to. It would probably be better to start one that way just to get used to the way it works and how you can apply it to what you are trying to do.

    Before you do anything, you should make sure to backup everything you have, or better yet, build your test site in a demo environment with a copy of your production site as its start. I use Xampp on my Windows 7 machine, and it works perfectly for this sort of testing.

    Then go to the downloads (http://www.joomlart.com/forums/downloads.php?do=cat&id=316), select the appropriate version, then download all the parts you need. If you already have Joomla installed, you will not want the quickstart, but download the rest. Save each into a folder and then in your Joomla Admin backend, go to the Extensions/install, browse to the download location, and install each of the packages you downloaded.

    Activate the two plug-ins and select the JAT3-Blank Template as your default.

    At this point, you should be able to go into the Template Manager, select the JAT3 Blank template, and start using the framework.

    Does this help?

    Scott Lavelle - Technical Resource Solutions, LLC
    Certified Joomla Administrator

    filmstar Friend

    Yes, it helps, but my problem is that I want the sample data, but I don’t want to reinstall Joomla because I have been using a component that stores a lot of data in a mysql database and I would lose it all if quickstart rebuilds everything from scratch.

    I am tinkering with backup and restore plugins. I think if I work out which database the component uses and I back that up, then do quick start, then reinstall just the component database, I may have a solution.

    Alternatively If I could manually install the template by FTP and the components, then try to find where quick start keeps the sample data and upload that into mysql.

    I did most of what you suggested, only to find the client saying he wanted to see all the features of the template just like in the demo. So I have either to contrive my own or extract it from quick start.

    Selectively backing up and restoring bits of Joomla, I need to get good at this. Thanks for your help.

    yoohappy Friend


    I am a newcomer at JoomlArt.
    I would like to know if there is a package in French for T3 framework 2.0.
    If so, can you tell me a link, please?
    If not, can I install a package in French for the heart of joomla?
    In this case, in your opinion, what is likely to occur
    operational problems with T3 framework 2.0?

    Thank you

    korb Friend

    Curently there is no French version for the Framework. You can translate the framework plugin language file to french if you have some time :P.


    steinar Friend

    <em>@yoohappy 203878 wrote:</em><blockquote>I would like to know if there is a package in French for T3 framework 2.0.
    If so, can you tell me a link, please?
    If not, can I install a package in French for the heart of joomla?

    Bonjour, yoohappy

    This might be of interest to you:


    And of course you can use a French language pack for Joomla.

    Bonne chance!

    yoohappy Friend

    <em>@korb 204267 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi,
    Curently there is no French version for the Framework. You can translate the framework plugin language file to french if you have some time :P.


    Thank you, I think it!

    yoohappy Friend

    thank you for responding.

    In fact, I did the installation with quickstart and then I replaced language files in folders corresponding to joomla.

    Until someone starts the translation of T3 framework 2.0…

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