I’m facing some issue in getting to work Cherry Picker module (filter module for virtuemart) in Ja Orisite template.
Cherry Picker demo: http://vm2.galt.md/store/cf/televisions
I downloaded the quickstart package of JA Orisite which already contains the virtuemart installed with it. Further on, I purchased the cherry picker module and I’m following the instructions from the below link to set it up for proper working of the ajax filtering of products.
As mentioned in the instructions, I require to enter outer container details in Cherry Picker config. Joomlart uses JAT3 framework for templates, hence as mentioned in the instructions I cant understand which id of the div i need to give to the cherry picker config.
CherryPicker developer mentions an example of implementing it in Joomla template beez_20, wherein it has “main” as the outer element both in its index.php and component.php files.
But in joomlart templates, the structure is different and I didnt find any code in the index.php. I randomly tried providing “#ja-main” and “#ja-content-main” as config in the cherry picker. But, the ajax is not displaying the results.
I have attached “results-updater.js” file which does the ajax. I checked in the firebug console and it displays the below error msg :
element is undefined
[Break On This Error]
var tags = element.getElements(‘a’);
Request your help in getting this to work. I have contacted the cherry picker developer and he suggested to seek help from Joomlart in understanding the structure.
Thank you,