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  • Ulysses Friend

    Aside from the default slideshow at the frontpage, I created another instance of JA slideshow by duplicating the default slideshow and giving it a new name. For the new slideshow, I referenced a folder as the source of the images (assets). Then I published it to a different page. However, I noticed that any modification I made on any of these two instances always affect the other. For example, if I remove the navigation thumbnail from the new instance of JA slideshow, it will also affect the default slideshow. If I modify the transition effect on the default slideshow, it will also affect the new instance. It appears that they are synchronised to each other, which I do not want.

    My website is on a local machine, so I cannot give you any link for demonstration.

    Ninja Lead Moderator


    You can apply this way

    • Go to Admin site -> Extensions -> Module Manager -> JA Slideshow module -> Profile Settings tab-> and click clone profile: http://prntscr.com/dxgjo9

    • Set the new clone profile with the new instance of JA slideshow on your site.

    Hope it helps


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