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  • sanumala Friend


    I am freqently getting “Internet Explorer Cannot Open the Internet Site- Operation Aborted” Error in IE 6 and IE 7. Can Anybody help….

    is bellow code in our template causing that problem in IE???????

    <script type=”text/javascript”>

    shertmann Friend

    wel i make some investigation about your problem and seems to be one that have to be related with the javascript and the motools engine i found some interesting tips that i have found and put here in order that you can find the one that helps you solve it

    first one

    this i found in the web

    <blockquote>And regrettably I spent a lot of time searching through Javascript in mootools javascript, and the small 2 lines of javascript Wicket adds to the page. Finally, I decided to actually google the error (which I should have done immediately).

    Low and behold, because I was inlining some Javascript for the mootools Tip plugin, Internet Explorer 6 and 7 were upset because I hadn’t given them the chance to render the entire HTML yet. Easy enough to fix, and actually cleans up the code real nice, was to either add it to the body onload, or use javascript. In my case I used mootools goodness:

    window.addEvent(’domready’, Site.start);

    Gotta love Google. You can also check this site for some tips on avoiding the problem in the future (especially with GMaps).

    it is not a full explanation but show a first attempt to help

    in MSDN forums some person post this

    <blockquote>Just wanted to note, that there is something that seems to me as bug in IE DOM implementation that can cause it as well. In my application I have following code on the client side:

    while (body && body.hasChildNodes()) {

    var node = body.firstChild;

    // … app logic



    while body content is created by Response.Write on the server side (I write down context in <p>…</p> paragraphs sections ).

    Occasionally I was getting “Internet Explorer cannot open the Internet site – Operation aborted” in IE. In Firefox it was never happen.

    After some research I found that it was related to the fact that on the server side I was writing:

    1) ‘<p>’

    2) content

    3) ‘</p>

    so – sometimes on the client side the code was running while paragraph wasn’t fully formed (e.g. only <p> was written).

    In this case body.hasChildNodes() still returns true (bug #1) and body.removeChild(node) will cause “operation aborted” (bug #2).

    Hope it may help someone.</blockquote>

    so it is not very deep explanation then i continue looking for

    then i found this

    <blockquote>If you are not using Google API and still getting the error, then it could be because of this reason.

    It is not possible append to the BODY element from script that isn’t a direct child to the BODY element

    If there are any Javascripts running inside the body tag or inside a table which is directly a child of body, then most of the times this error is bound to happen. The solution is to move the script to the top or bottom of the body tag or even moving it after the body. The script can also be put inside a function and then calling it from window.onload. Another solution to this problem is to add defer=”defer” in the script tag.

    I checked my code for scripts which were running inside the body tag and was a direct child to it. Then I moved all my Javascript codes to bottom of the body tag so that it will not interfere while parsing the page. I tested my blog in IE after I made the change and I could see the difference, the error was not happening any more. I checked in different versions of IE to confirm. In case you are using IE and still getting the error on my blog, please do inform me.</blockquote>

    that appears a better explanation

    but then i found this into the supports of miscrosoft related to the IE

    This problem occurs because a child container HTML element contains script code that tries to modify the parent container element of the child container. The script code tries to modify the parent container element by using either the innerHTML method or the appendChild method.

    To work around this problem, write script blocks that only modify closed containers or that only modify the script’s immediate container element. To do this, you can use a placeholder to close the target container, or you can move the script block into the container that you want to modify.

    Example 1
    In this example, the DIV element is a child container element. The SCRIPT block inside the DIV element tries to modify the BODY element. The BODY element is the unclosed parent container of the DIV element.

    <script type=”text/Javascript”>
    document.body.innerHTML+=”sample text”;

    To resolve this problem, use one of the following methods.
    Method 1: Modify the parent element
    Move the SCRIPT block into the scope of the BODY element. This is the container that the script is trying to modify.

    <script type=”text/Javascript”>
    document.body.innerHTML+=”sample text”;

    Method 2: Modify a closed container element
    Add a closed container as a placeholder in the parent container element. Then, modify the new closed container with a script block.

    <div id=”targetContainer”>
    <script type=”text/Javascript”>
    document.getElementById(‘targetContainer’).innerHTML+=”sample text”;

    Example 2
    In this example, a SCRIPT block that is inside a deeply nested TD container element tries to modify a parent container BODY element by using the appendChild method.

    <script type=”text/Javascript”>
    var d = document.createElement(‘div’);

    To resolve this problem, move the SCRIPT block into the BODY element.

    <script type=”text/Javascript”>
    var d = document.createElement(‘div’);

    Microsoft has confirmed that this is a bug in the Microsoft products that are listed in the “Applies to” section.

    For example, this problem may occur if a DIV element is a child container in a BODY element, and a SCRIPT block in the DIV element tries to modify the BODY element that is a parent container for the DIV element. This is a bug in the Internet Explorer parser.</blockquote>

    i decided to put all the possible solutions because i do not know the real reason that can cause this particular issue in your case and it is better that you make a check with all this and you see what particular one helps you.

    i hope this could helps you.:)

    sanumala Friend

    Hey shertmann

    First of all thanks for your lot of time and inverstigation u did over internet and sorry how IE sucks over lives with the stuff..

    Thank you very much…

    I did alllsufzzz u mentioned above before posting this question here and fincally i came to know that is if any html module we are using inour site or any java script in the body will cause porblem of creating that error message coz of dom implementation in IE…

    Finally i fed up with all this stuff and i have really tired … what i did was i have found an alternative solution for all my scripts in modules to convert them into htmll…. posibly avoided used scripts at alll in my site except kontera inline text avertising… i dont know how this is working fine and all oters doesn’t ……

    any way this is messy and nobody can’t solve this until and unless MS solves this problem …

    by the way dont use defer=”defer” in joomla sites ……………. that will cause more problems that it solves……..

    shertmann Friend

    well its a pitty that you can not solve your problem. and thanks for that tip

    alpa JA JobBoard

    Hi sanumala,

    Did you manage to solve this problem ? I have had the same problems in the past and I found the only way round was to change the menu option from the template settings page.


    shertmann Friend

    alpa if this is not a problem can you set a full description of the solution you found?

    alpa JA JobBoard

    Hi shertmann,

    The solution that worked for me was the following:

    1. Went to Template Manager

    2. Selected to edit the template

    3. At the Parameters box I played with the Menu Module option

    You can select one of the following:

    • Split menu
    • CSS menu
    • Moo menu

    My problems appeared after I installed an extension called Simple Image Gallery which uses some of its own javascript that conflicted with menu module option I had selected.

    After I changed the Menu Module option to sth else from the list the problem dissapeared.

    I am afraid this is a going around the corner solution but I did not find anything else to work.

    Hope this will help you.


    shertmann Friend

    thanks alpa anyway, even i have no problem actually with my joomla installs, well is useful for other people to know this problems and the right solution, that is the target of this comunity.

    well the conflicted extensions always has been and issue in joomla even when it was mambo there were a lot of extension that give trouble, i remember once when i try to setup a multisite mambo installation that i have a big issue and the obly way to solve it was to not use that extension and reinstall all over again.

    good luck and happy joomla:D:D:D:D:D

    oscar_nz Friend

    I have had this problem with my website also.


    I have done lots of searching and have managed to temporarily fix the problem by disabling my acajoom subscriber module (not a very desirable solution)

    It appears heaps of people are having this issue but I cant see any solutions… does anyone know how to fix the problem?

    oscar_nz Friend
    rjdjohnston Friend

    I had the same problem it turned out the be the JS at end of page addSpanToTitle(); removed that whole call on the index.php and no more problem.

    No more SPAN’s in the titles, but doesn’t seem to be a big issue.

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