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  • Gruponea.com Friend

    I’ve modified some classes so i would be able to post intro articles in frontpage thanks to the Moderator Mr. Pankaj Sharma (thanks for always helping me!).
    I got one more problem now, the intro article it’s not "linkeable", i mean, you can’t click neither in the image nor the title to enter to the full article page.
    Hope you can help me!


    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    Hello @guianea
    Kindly post your site super user details via Private reply . I will check and try to fix it for you .

    Gruponea.com Friend
    This reply has been marked as private.


    Gruponea.com Friend

    I also would like, if you could do it or tell me how to do it, to put the tittle on top of the image. Thanks!


    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    I found the images are linked to article and working fine . can u check it again and update me .

    Gruponea.com Friend

    The intro article linking from the homepage it’s not working, the rest of the articles are. the news entitled "Propuesta Argentina logró apoyo Estadounidense". I can’t even select the words with the mouse to copy and paste.


    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    Kindly check it in different system . I checked your site but there is no issue of copy content and image links .

    Gruponea.com Friend

    I checked on Firefox and Chrome and same problem, i’m attaching an image so you can see what article i’m talking about (in the webpage home section). URL: http://www.conexionregional.com.ar/nueva
    The mouse pointer doesn’t let me click in the title nor the image so i can access to the full article page.
    This problem is only with the intro article that you helped me to make it "appear", don’t know if you remember this post from a few days ago. https://www.joomlart.com/forums/topic/intro-article-not-showing-on-featured-articles/


    Gruponea.com Friend

    managed to solved it, it was a css "position relative" from .blog-featured,.userpage, changed it to "position; initial" and now i can click on the title and image.
    Is there any way to move the intro article in the mainbody on top of the t3-content ?


    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    Could u give me screenshot how u want to show the intro articles . becuase by default it wil comes on the top of content block .

    Gruponea.com Friend

    Here is a screenshot, the idea it’s to put the intro article just after the maincontent begins,, so it becomes "full width". Here is a screenshot attached.

    <section id="t3-mainbody" class="container t3-mainbody">
        <div class="row">
        <!-- MAIN CONTENT --> 
    <div class="span12">
                                                    <div class="items nacionales text">
        <!-- Article -->
        <article class="clearfix" itemscope="" itemtype="http://schema.org/Article">
            <div class="item-wrap">
                <div class="header-article clearfix">
                                        <header class="article-header clearfix">
                            <h2 class="article-title" itemprop="name">
                                                                <a class="article-link" href="/nueva/economia-y-politica/nacionales/167-propuesta-argentina-logro-apoyo-estadounidense"> Propuesta Argentina logró apoyo estadounidense</a>
                    <div class="item-image images-content clearfix">
                                                                            <a class="article-link" href="/nueva/economia-y-politica/nacionales/167-propuesta-argentina-logro-apoyo-estadounidense" title="Propuesta Argentina logró apoyo estadounidense">
                                                                                    <img title="Propuesta Argentina logró apoyo estadounidense" src="/nueva/images/articulos/economia-politica/propuesta-argentina-logro-apoyo-estadounidense.jpg" alt="Propuesta Argentina logró apoyo estadounidense" itemprop="thumbnailUrl" style="
        width: 980px;
                    <!-- Aside -->
                                    <!-- //Aside -->
                <div class="info-article">
                    <section class="article-intro clearfix" itemprop="articleBody">
                                            <p><em>El Gobierno de Barack Obama demostró su apoyo a la propuesta que Argentina realizó a los Holdouts, a través del secretario del Tesoro Jacob Lew.</em></p>
                    <section class="comment-count clearfix">
                        <!-- read more -->
                                                <a class="readmore" href="/nueva/economia-y-politica/nacionales/167-propuesta-argentina-logro-apoyo-estadounidense" itemprop="url"><span>
                            Leer más...                 </span></a>
              <span itemprop="commentCount">
                        <!-- Comment count -->
                                            <!-- Comment count -->
                        <!-- AddThis Button BEGIN -->
                                            <a class="addthis_button_compact" addthis:url="http://www.conexionregional.com.ar/nueva/economia-y-politica/nacionales/167-propuesta-argentina-logro-apoyo-estadounidense" addthis:title="Propuesta Argentina logró apoyo estadounidense" href="#"> Compartir <i class="icon-share"></i></a>
                                            <!-- AddThis Button END -->
        <!-- //Article -->
    </div>                                  </div>

    1. conexionregionalprint.fw_


    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    Sorry this can not comes like u need as the size is defined for the layout . span8 for content and span4 for the sidebar .here : http://prntscr.com/ar5cvh if its change it can break layout and sidebar does not exist .

    Gruponea.com Friend

    Ok Pankaj, Thank you so much for your help anyway!


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