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  • johntemp Friend


    Thanks for the theme.

    I am having problems with using the “Magazine Home Layout” specifically to # Intro Articles alignment. It seems that first row layout is ok, but second there is a misalignment and only one article is showing, but third row is oky.

    Attached is any example of my problem.

    Any help would be appreciate?


    1. alignment-issue
    TomC Moderator

    Can you provide the link to the page within the image you provided?

    Your site home page looks different than the image you posted.

    johntemp Friend

    Hi Tom,

    Thanks for the reply.

    Here is the to the alignment issue.


    In addition I’ve tried changing to # Intro articles and # Featured columns 3 and the issue is same.



    TomC Moderator

    <em>@johntemp 415691 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi Tom,

    Thanks for the reply.

    Here is the to the alignment issue.


    In addition I’ve tried changing to # Intro articles and # Featured columns 3 and the issue is same.



    Can you do me a favor and (temporarily) set “Optimize CSS” to “Off” within your Template Manager–General settings?

    johntemp Friend

    Hi Tom,

    Okay, Optimize CSS is off now.


    johntemp Friend

    Hi Tom,

    Any other thoughts regarding the alignment issue?


    Ninja Lead Moderator

    <em>@johntemp 416123 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi Tom,

    Any other thoughts regarding the alignment issue?


    You can apply this fix:

    Open the templates/purity_iii/html/com_content/category/magazine_featured.php file,

    Change the position of this line of code: <?php $intro_index++; ?> from:

    <?php foreach ($intro as $item) : ?>
    <?php if($intro_index % $intro_columns == 0) : ?>
    <div class="row">
    <?php endif ?>
    <div class="magazine-item col-sm-<?php echo round((12 / $intro_columns)) ?>">
    <?php echo JLayoutHelper::render('joomla.content.intro_image', $item); ?>
    <?php echo JLayoutHelper::render('joomla.content.blog_style_default_item_title', $item); ?>

    <?php if ($useDefList && in_array('intro', $info_positions)) : ?>
    <aside class="article-aside clearfix">
    <?php echo JLayoutHelper::render('joomla.content.info_block.block', array('item' => $item, 'params' => $params, 'position' => 'above')); ?>
    <?php endif; ?>

    <?php echo $item->event->afterDisplayTitle; ?>
    <?php echo $item->event->beforeDisplayContent; ?>
    <?php echo $item->event->afterDisplayContent; ?>
    <?php if(($intro_index % $intro_columns == 0 && $intro_index > 0) || $intro_index == $intro_count -1) : ?>
    <?php endif ?>
    <?php $intro_index++; ?>
    <?php endforeach; ?>


    <?php foreach ($intro as $item) : ?>
    <?php if($intro_index % $intro_columns == 0) : ?>
    <div class="row">
    <?php endif ?>
    <div class="magazine-item col-sm-<?php echo round((12 / $intro_columns)) ?>">
    <?php echo JLayoutHelper::render('joomla.content.intro_image', $item); ?>
    <?php echo JLayoutHelper::render('joomla.content.blog_style_default_item_title', $item); ?>

    <?php if ($useDefList && in_array('intro', $info_positions)) : ?>
    <aside class="article-aside clearfix">
    <?php echo JLayoutHelper::render('joomla.content.info_block.block', array('item' => $item, 'params' => $params, 'position' => 'above')); ?>
    <?php endif; ?>

    <?php echo $item->event->afterDisplayTitle; ?>
    <?php echo $item->event->beforeDisplayContent; ?>
    <?php echo $item->event->afterDisplayContent; ?>
    <?php $intro_index++; ?>
    <?php if(($intro_index % $intro_columns == 0) || $intro_index == $intro_count) : ?>
    <?php endif ?>
    <?php endforeach; ?>

    johntemp Friend

    Hi Ninja,

    Thanks for the assist. That seems to have solved the alignment issue, but now the alignment issue has moved to the last article. See attachment. ‘alignment-issue-2.png’

    Actually as I was looking at the alignment issue, it seems that my sidebar 2 has also completely moved.

    See attachment ‘alignment-issue-3’.png

    I am going to change <?php $intro_index++; ?> back to original spot for now.

    Any other suggestions?


    1. alignment-issue-2
    2. alignment-issue-3
    johntemp Friend

    Hi Ninja,

    Sorry, I just on editing my message. But looking at what you had original wrote regarding the position of <?php $intro_index++; ?> I did change that and had the last alignment issue along with side-2 issue. However, looking at you code suggestion, you also had the following line <?php if(($intro_index % $intro_columns == 0) || $intro_index == $intro_count) : ?> which i had change too from the original and everything seems to be working now.

    Alignment issue is correct and side-2 is showing where it should be.

    Thanks again for your help and was it correct to change the <?php if(($intro_index % $intro_columns == 0) || $intro_index == $intro_count) : ?> too?

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    I have checked both links on your site: http://leafmagazine.ca/news and http://leafmagazine.ca/opinion they are working fine. Let me know if you still need our assistance on this.

    johntemp Friend

    Hi Ninja,

    Thank you for the confirmation. I appreciate your help.



Viewing 11 posts - 1 through 11 (of 11 total)

This topic contains 11 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  johntemp 10 years, 9 months ago.

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