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  • dingallina Friend

    First post for me! I’m very happy about your works, thank’s for all! Sorry for my english.
    Just 2 questions about intro-text of “article category”.
    The first one: is there a way or a trick to set individual limit for each article in category? For example… I’d like to have an article which display in homepage an intro like “I love this pretty template and I’ll use it for my preferred blog” (66 chars) and the read more so will continue “because my preferred blog talks about bla bla bla bla..” and a second article which display in home an intro text like “this is my best article, I hope you like it” (44 chars) and continue in article “here I wanna talk about joomlart and their delicious designs and bla bla bla bla bla”. If I set 44 as limit I’ll limit my first intro, but if I set 66 I’ll show more than I want of the second one… I’ll tried to play with some dirty html code, but It doesn’t help.. The only way I found (and, honestly I’ve not tried yet!) is to put in article only the intro-text and complete the rest of the page with modules… Anyway, the solution right now is: before set the limit and after write the text, so I decided to force myself to write the articles with the same text setting each others.. First XX chars must be intro… If I choose 60 as limit I’ll write all articles with the first 60 characters good for intros, and now there’s the second question: why sometimes limit doesnt’ work as expected??? I checked for special characters, tag, blank space, and so on… but still can’t understand why if I have two different text with the same number of characters, one will stop right and one will cut-off my last word… Right now I’m still playing with contents to find a workaround, but I’m spending too hours in something that I wished to do faster! :((

    Thank you!

    jooservices Friend

    Hi there,
    For next time please format your article to make it easier for reading.
    In basically you want to have 2 character limits for view=articles. ( first one, and rest of articles )
    Isn’t it ?

    Thank you,
    Viet Vu

    dingallina Friend

    sorry, but I’m Italian and our way to make easy reading is use punctuation and not paragraph.
    I’ll try to use your way in the future.

    BTW, I don’t want anything. Just suggestions to hit the mark.
    My goal is to have in homepage (technically the view is article, but it’s not relevant) an “Articles Category” module showing:
    -[1st column]: The category title
    -[2nd column]: Containing the first “x” characters of the article as intro and the article’s image
    -[3rd column]: Containing the first “y” characters of the article as intro and the article’s image
    -[4th column]: Don’t care right now.
    Where x > y (for example x=90 and y=50).

    Thank you,

    jooservices Friend

    Hi there,
    I’ll forward your suggestions to team.
    Thank you for your feedback.

    Thank you,
    Viet Vu

    dingallina Friend

    No, I found the solution and it was more simple than I tought.
    I was starting to work to modify the component “content” to split article in two fields: introtext and fulltext but when I looked at the code and the tables I noticed that someone else already provided before me!
    The key is to use ‘<hr id=”system-readmore” />’ tag after your introtext lines in your html code and continue writing the rest of article and it works as expected.

    So put in your article something like this (I don’t use any editor):

    <div>Intro-text to show on homepage respecting characters limit
    <hr id="system-readmore" />
    and so continue with the rest of your article

    This is a joomla-newbie’s issue, I’m embarassed about question, but I always worked with “Lorem Ipsum” content, this is the first time I’m taking care about contents 😉

    Hope this help!


    jooservices Friend

    Hi there,
    lolz 😀 . It’s really solution. But yes, as editor you can do that 😀

    Thank you,
    Viet Vu

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