[My apologies for posting this question in the ‘General Questions’ section as opposed to the ‘Templates’ section where I think it should be.]
Hello. I’m a newbie round here, new to Mambo, new to JoomlArt. I’ve been so impressed today with the ease with which one can make such great looking sites, really excited to have found it. I came across the JA Spica template on the web earlier and was so impressed I immediately signed up and bought it.
I have a problem with my installation though, and it ONLY occurs with JoomlArt Templates. The error, as shown on http://www.blueskytranslation.com is
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/content/s/g/w/sgw122413/html/templates/ja_spica/ja_submenu.php on line 195
I don’t get this warning if I switch to any of the default templates that came with Mambo, and I wasn’t getting this warning before I configured my menus.
I’ve done several clean re-installs of not only the Ja Spica and Ja Sargas installs, but also the entire database. Its been really frustrating.
I’ve searched the net and this forum for help, but to no avail. Please, can someone help?
I’ve just noticed that the main picture below the nav bar has disappeared too! What have I done to result in this, and how can I restore it?
Thank you. :confused: