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  • James Weston Friend

    I posted the post below last night. Woke up this morning and now the function does not work on my computer either. I guess I have stuffed up with copying the code over so would really like some advice.

    Invalid token
    Evening Guys and Gals,

    I have just made a page for a competition we are running. I have copied over the html from the contact us page so I get a form for people wanting to enter to fill in.


    It is working fine on my MAC in Safari but a friend in Canada said he gets an Invalid Token page when he hits the SEND button. He was using IE 8 & and Rockmelt

    Could someone look at the html I used and see if I have stuffed something up completely?

    I have pasted below the html from the form part of the page. Many thanks


    <!– CONTENT –>
    <div id=”ja-main” style=”width: 100%;”>
    <div class=”inner clearfix”>
    <div id=”ja-contentwrap” class=”clearfix “>
    <div id=”ja-content” class=”column” style=”width: 100%;”>
    <div id=”ja-current-content” class=”column” style=”width: 100%;”>
    <div id=”ja-content-main” class=”ja-content-main clearfix”>
    <div id=”component-contact” class=”contact”>
    <div class=”jcontact-error”>Please make sure the form is complete and valid.</div>
    <div class=”jcontact-form”><form id=”emailForm” class=”form-validate” action=”/index.php?option=com_contact&view=contact& id=1&Itemid=536″ method=”post”>
    <div class=”contact_email”>
    <div><label for=”contact_name”> Enter your Full Name: </label> <input id=”contact_name” class=”inputbox” name=”name” size=”30″ type=”text” /></div>
    <div><label id=”contact_emailmsg” for=”contact_email”> E-mail address: </label> <input id=”contact_email” class=”inputbox required validate-email” maxlength=”100″ name=”email” size=”30″ type=”text” /></div>
    <div><label for=”contact_subject”> Twitter Name: </label> <input id=”contact_subject” class=”inputbox” name=”subject” size=”30″ type=”text” /></div>
    <div><label id=”contact_textmsg” for=”contact_text”> Country of Residence: </label> <input id=”contact_text” class=”inputbox required validate-email” maxlength=”100″ name=”text” /></div>
    <div><input id=”contact_email_copy” name=”email_copy” type=”checkbox” value=”1″ /> <label for=”contact_email_copy”> E-mail a copy of this message to your own address. </label></div>
    <div><button class=”button validate”>Send</button> (By pressing send you acknowledge that you have read the Terms and Conditions below)</div>
    <input name=”option” type=”hidden” value=”com_contact” /> <input name=”view” type=”hidden” value=”contact” /> <input name=”id” type=”hidden” value=”1″ /> <input name=”task” type=”hidden” value=”submit” /> <input name=”e760eb07262edb7140a3f806f0efe4e0″ type=”hidden” value=”1″ /> </form></div>
    <!– //CONTENT –>

    thangnn1510 Friend

    Dear origomedia!

    The link http://www.vivaasiamagazine.com/inde…ons&Itemid=546 not work, please provide the correct one.


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