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  • antonisper Friend


    I installed the ja_iris template, which unfortunately does not work properly with explorer 6. To be more specific, the left part is placed under the entire template

    I am looking forward to your help

    bluecafe Friend

    Do you have a link to your site? I tried ja_iris in IE 6 and didn’t have this problem so maybe it has something to do with your content?

    ErikThorsen Friend

    Same with me. Perhaps something with your installation or your content?

    perdu Friend

    There is also another bug in all versions of Internet Explorer where if you have only 4 of the bottom spotlight modules published e.g. user 6 – user9 then the user9 module will drop down below the user6 module.
    If you just have user6, 7 & 8 published it’s fine so basically you can have 2, 3 or 5 bottom modules but not 4 in I.E.

    I’ve reported it but there’s no fix. (why am I surprised?)

    wabycitycom Friend

    I’ve the same problem in IE7….:((:((

    simorame Friend

    I’ve just noticed I have a similar problem with IE 7 (I could not try on IE6 yet). The installation is still almost the same as the basic one (the Quickstart with Joomla 1.0).

    In my case, in IE7 the spotlight module published in the User 10 position is dropping below the User 6 position. No problem, on the contrary, with Firefox and Opera. I remember having a similar problem with IE when I tried the JA Teline template.

    By the way, on my website all the spotlights at the bottom, from User 6 to User 10, are published on the home page, like in the demo.

    I like most of Joomlart templates, but unfortunately the support is poor, to say the least. I suppose they have too many issues to deal with, but still something should be done about it.

    However, I hope some smart people will come up with a solution. It did already happen for the problem with the Newsflash module. I’ve managed to fix it after reading one of the messages posted in this forum.

    perdu Friend

    <blockquote>In my case, in IE7 the spotlight module published in the User 10 position is dropping below the User 6 position</blockquote>. This is a known bug, I reported it ages ago but there’s not been a fix yet, there probably won’t be a fix, there never is.

    simorame Friend

    <em>@perdu 30541 wrote:</em><blockquote>. This is a known bug, I reported it ages ago but there’s not been a fix yet, there probably won’t be a fix, there never is.</blockquote>
    I have the same feeling and will try to solve the problem by changing the module used in those positions. I am just disappointed for wasting so much time on something that is supposed to work right from the start.

    grafismo Friend

    Any solution for it? Yesterday I checked it out a new fresh install for browser IE 6-7 (windows) and the menu left column is overlaping central content. Not problem for Mac (Firefox, Safari). Thanks.

    capt_ron Friend

    I am using the Iris 1.5 Quickstart template. User6 – User10 modules work fine in Firefox, but a messed up in Internet Explorer 7. Many people have posted on this problem without receiving a resolution. I need a resolution to this problem.

    Thanks in Advance

    capt_ron Friend

    This is a very serious problem which renders the Iris 1.5 Template useless. Many people have pointed this out. Why do the requests fall on death ears ?

    Menalto Friend

    Are you able to give me a link where you have that problem visible?

    capt_ron Friend


    This is a freshinstall of Iris 1.5 Quickstart right out of the box. Havent even logged in as Admin yet. User6 – User10 position modules are out of wack. Looks great in Firefox, Horrible in IE7. Iris 1.5 has the same problem. Iris 1.0 does NOT have this issue.

    Many people have pointed out this problem in several posts.

    Good Luck

    cssyeah Moderator

    Hi all my friends,

    Open the index.php file in the ja_iris folder, copy and paste following code before the header close tag (</header>).

    <style type="text/css">
    .clearfix {height: 1%;}

    <style type="text/css">
    .clearfix {display: inline-block;}

    capt_ron Friend

    That worked, Thanks a bunch 😀

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