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  • leoncai Friend

    I am glad that JA is dedicating itself to having a top notch template once a month.


    Mona is really lame, i mean, it is nothing even near special…

    IF we are going to get one template, we should get an awesome template…

    This month…gavick and rocket theme really out did joomlart….

    TomC Moderator

    leoncai;139630I am glad that JA is dedicating itself to having a top notch template once a month.


    Mona is really lame, i mean, it is nothing even near special…[/quote]
    Yes, it’s just you . . . because your opinion is yours and is subjective.

    leoncaiIF we are going to get one template, we should get an awesome template…

    What’s great to you may not be great to someone else – and vice versa

    This month…gavick and rocket theme really out did joomlart….

    Feel free to join THEIR clubs, then.


    goyat Friend

    Joomlart template is elegant but not competitive feature-wise. I am not using Rocke Theme template but they are just like Google. They are challenging new features. They are giving more control features onto users.

    I think Joomlart is just standing still on Joomla template but expanding into JM template. Is this what we want? We want more challenging and rich Joomla template per month.

    If Joomlart can not provide us wiith quality-rich templates maintaining the image of elegant template design, I may switch to other template providers like Rocket Theme when renewal time arrives.

    My wish is that Joomlart should invest more time on Joomla and its quality-rich Joomla template.

    I have lost much time finding solutions on your module-bugs and I do not welcome it. If Joomlart can provide us with quality-rich and feature-rich templates, you would have more new and loyal customers.

    My impressions on your template works are not encouraging, right now. This comment is strictly subjective. 🙂

    johno696974 Friend

    Each new template should be so awesome that we all want to move our own sites to it.

    Currently the last few have been nothing close to me wanting to change my own siotes theme.

    I’m not liking Mona.

    leoncai Friend

    I agree, like in my first post, i have been a proud member for some time and i love most templates, but this one, offers nothing new, nothing exciting and nothing special.

    Yoo Theme launched an SEO CSS template structure
    Yoo Theme launched a cool new menu structure

    Roccket Theme launched SEO CSS friendly structure
    Rocket Theme launched a new cool menu structure

    Yoo theme has also consistenly provided top notch tools, that Joomlart has failed to do.
    Rocket Theme offers some really cool tools as well

    Even Template Plazza, who does not make the best out of the box templates, offers totally cool extensions, like their past three templates.

    And at one template per month Joomlart is no bargain. Last year joomlart was like top 3 clubs, now, not so much.

    Yoo Theme and Rocket Theme and Gavick have all contributed to Joomla and provide amazing templates month after month and Joomlart is starting to trail…

    You cant have Magento and Joomla, at least not the same people doing the work, cause then its like we are getting one template when the work for two is being put in.

    Again, find me any real contribution that Rocket theme has made in the last year?

    I allow anyone even the founders to share.

    Look i a just saying that where Joomlart was once a leader in quality and price, they are just a very standard second.

    Can anyone prove otherwise? I think also this is a healthy discussion for the owners, as they should know what is going on and how they compare.

    leoncai Friend

    Tom, I am confused by your response, you are saying join the other clubs and you dont care that yours is not as great as it could be?

    TomC Moderator

    johno696974;139646Each new template should be so awesome that we all want to move our own sites to it.

    That’s like saying every song that is released should make you want to buy the album. We all know, however, that art is subjective and appreciation of such is an individual thing. Therefore, just because you may not like a particular template does not mean that JA is slipping . . . it simply means that the particular template doesn’t fit with your needs or particular tastes.

    johno696974 Friend

    <em>@tcraw1010 139660 wrote:</em><blockquote>That’s like saying every song that is released should make you want to buy the album. .</blockquote>

    At least with music you can purchase only one (song / template) and are not forced to pay for the whole album if you do not want it.

    Bad choice of comparison.

    I’m just saying compared to other clubs these new themes do seem to be not as high a standard. If you can’t see that then that’s your issue.

    TomC Moderator

    leoncai;139653Tom, I am confused by your response, you are saying join the other clubs and you dont care that yours is not as great as it could be?

    I am saying that I am sick of the whole “Rockettheme is better,” “Gavick is better” nonsense with regard to personal subjective tastes in particular templates. It’s like those who say that think it’s some sort of insult or threat. WHO CARES what RT or GP are doing . . . if you prefer their product over JA so much, then you are perfectly capable and free to join up over there and enjoy.

    Furthermore, I constantly see comments such as “nothing new here” or “I want JA to offer something better.” What’s astonishing is that practically NO ONE seems to be able to articulate what “new” and/or “exciting” could be (in terms of consructive suggestions). Saying another template club is better is neither constructive nor helpful. If there are particular features or layout designs you would like to see, then SPEAK UP and let the JA Development Team know what they are.

    Amazingly, all we ever see is “this template does nothing for me” and the like.
    Swell, what WOULD do something for you ??

    TomC Moderator

    If there were no iTunes or file sharing, then you would have to purchase an entire album to get the song you want. (some of us here actually remember those days). The point is – and a perfectly valid one – is that art is a subjective medium. What appeals to you may not appeal to me – and vice versa. Please tell me you understand this very simple concept.

    I’m just saying compared to other clubs these new themes do seem to be not as high a standard. If you can’t see that then that’s your issue.

    If you think the other clubs are so superior, then why are you sticking around?

    Saying another club is better is neither constructive nor helpful in giving the JA Development Team suggestions/ideas for what they could consider for future templates. Why is it so difficult for those who seem to be so disappointed with the JA product to respectfully offer up constructive suggestions for what they would like to see in future template designs?

    leoncai Friend

    Actually all over the forum and i am sure in many emails members have offered such suggestions, however, perhaps we should start a thread on that topic, i will do so tommorow with my list and people can add to it. I am just saying that JA should put more time in features and adding cool effects and modules to their templates.

    johno696974 Friend

    <em>@tcraw1010 139663 wrote:</em><blockquote>If you think the other clubs are so superior, then why are you sticking around?</blockquote>

    Because I paid my money and therefore want to get the most from my investment.

    I didn’t start by saying this is better blah blah, but rather said these latest themes don’t seem to be of as high a standard as other clubs.

    FFS, you have your opinion, why can’t we?

    I personally find the last 2 themes boringly plain. I could have simply grabbed an old theme and stripped it down to be just like the new ones.

    I want new features I want WOW factor, which I am not seeing. There need be no comparison to other clubs, but these last 2 efforts simply don’t cut it for me.

    What more do you want to hear?

    I’m sick of people telling us to go join others… why not help the community and allow us to get what we should from our spent cash.

    johno696974 Friend

    <em>@tcraw1010 139663 wrote:</em><blockquote>Why is it so difficult for those who seem to be so disappointed with the JA product to respectfully offer up constructive suggestions for what they would like to see in future template designs?</blockquote>

    ZINC is a great looking theme, more of this wow factor. It stands out as being one of the best here because it makes you wonder how it was all put together.

    VisiGod Friend

    Tom still trolling around 🙂
    Tom look at the ideas forum and see how many ideas are posted there.

    scotty Friend

    tcraw1010;139662I am saying that I am sick of the whole “Rockettheme is better,” “Gavick is better” nonsense[/quote] … but yet you are the first and loudest to reply every time.

    I constantly see comments such as “nothing new here” or “I want JA to offer something better.

    Says it all really doesn’t it?

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