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  • leoncai Friend

    <blockquote>Originally Posted by tcraw1010
    If you think the other clubs are so superior, then why are you sticking around?</blockquote>

    Tom, I have enjoyed Joomlart for several years, i do not want to not be a part of this community, but it does need to prove it self these days.

    I willk post a constructive post today here and in a new thread so those following this thread can read it there.

    We have been told to post WHAT we want to see, i shall do so.

    TomC Moderator

    VisiGod;139696Tom still trolling around 🙂

    Now that’s what they call irony 🙂

    VisiGod Friend

    Tom, don’t you understand that people disagree with your opinion and don’t want to read your trolling and moaning all the time 🙂

    TomC Moderator

    scotty;139701… but yet you are the first and loudest to reply every time.[/quote]
    … yes, because no one seems to get the message – ironic, isn’t it?

    Says it all really doesn’t it?

    No, it doesn’t . . . doesn’t say ANYTHING, actually .. . except that a particular template doesn’t meet with a particular person’s subjective tastes. Without supporting constructive suggestions/ideas to back them up, comments like those are empty.

    VisiGod Friend

    Tom tell it to them, they don’t understand, keep trolling, some day maybe they will understand how genius you are. The only way to do it is continue trolling 🙂

    TomC Moderator

    VisiGod;139723Tom, don’t you understand that people disagree with your opinion and don’t want to read your trolling and moaning all the time

    Don’t you understand that I have every right to post my opinions and suggestions as you or anyone else does yours. I don’t like your accusing me of “trolling,” but I don’t tell you to go away or throw derogatories at you, do I?

    The difference, I actually post suggestions – not just empty handed complaints.

    TomC Moderator

    VisiGod;139728Tom tell it to them, they don’t understand, keep trolling, some day maybe they will understand how genius you are. The only way to do it is continue trolling 🙂

    You mean like you’re doing right now?

    Do me a favor, look up “hypocrite” in the dictionary and see if you see your photo there.


    VisiGod Friend

    Dear Troll,
    Keep in mind that you are right and we are not. However it appears that you are the only one on that position, while most of the other people disagree with you and have different opinion.

    Now, of course they we are incorrect and our opinion means nothing, while yours is of high value and we are so pleased that there is someone like you dear Troll, to show us the right way, to be the light in our lives.
    Keep trolling, we love you in being what you are 🙂

    TomC Moderator

    johno696974;139665Because I paid my money and therefore want to get the most from my investment.

    Then do you not think it might be helpful to the JA Team if you offered some thoughts and/or suggestions as to how you think they could meet higher standards with their designs?

    johno696974;139665I didn’t start by saying this is better blah blah, but rather said these latest themes don’t seem to be of as high a standard as other clubs.

    Yes, but why ? . . . See, that is the part that is missing from so many comments/complaints – the “why.”
    Moreso, generally missing is the “how could JA improve” constructive suggestions.

    johno696974;139665FFS, you have your opinion, why can’t we?

    Where have I or anyone else said that you cannot have your own opinion?
    On the contrary, you can have yours just as I can have mine.

    I want new features I want WOW factor, which I am not seeing. There need be no comparison to other clubs, but these last 2 efforts simply don’t cut it for me.

    What more do you want to hear?

    What would be a “WOW” factor for YOU? . . . . THAT is what should be offered up and THAT is what is, more-times-than-not, missing.

    I’m sick of people telling us to go join others…

    Then stop bringing up other clubs . . . simple as that.


    TomC Moderator

    VisiGod;139732Dear Troll,
    Keep trolling, we love you in being what you are 🙂


    VisiGod Friend

    Troll, stop crying 🙂
    We love you being the forum clown 🙂

    TomC Moderator

    VisiGod;139740Troll, stop crying 🙂
    We love you being the forum clown 🙂

    VisiGod Friend


    How dare you sending me offensive private messages? You show total disagreement and disrespect to the people here and when someone uses your own methods, you get nervous and start offending people. If you have any problems with my posts, report it to the moderator and do not send me threats.

    TomC Moderator


    How dare you sending me offensive private messages? You show total disagreement and disrespect to the people here and when someone uses your own methods, you get nervous and start offending people. If you have any problems with my posts, report it to the moderator and do not send me threats.

    Nothing offensive in my PM to you . . . I was merely attempting to take this ridiculousness off of the public forum.

    However, I find it interesting that, unlike yourself, I try to take this petty squabble off of the public Forums and try to reason with you via PM, and you turn around and bring it right back to the public Forums. YOU are the one continuing to perpetuate this little vendetta you have against me, not I.

    I do not need to report you or anyone else to the Moderators. I am quite sure they are going to come in here, see how you started in with the name calling and finger pointing, and quickly delete this thread. Running to mommy and “telling on” people is not my style . . . . I face issues head on.

    Now, if you wish to continue this nonsense here in the public forum, then that is your own decision. The only one making himself look foolish is you. Again, I took the initiative to take it to private message where you could privately aire your vendetta grievances to me. Apparently, this is not good enough for you and you want to remain on your public soapbox for all the membership to see. Ball remains in your court, buddy – and if you wish to discuss this further, please utilize the PM function.


    P.S. – Incidentally, unlike yourself, my methods do not include calling people names and/or finger pointing.

    VisiGod Friend

    You call that non-offensive? I have nothing to hide

    <blockquote>How laughable that you call ME a troll, yet it is your little immature ass who is trolling around looking for my comments to latch onto.

    Hey, if you are unable to offer up any kind of intelligent useful comment, that’s not MY problem, pal.

    But hey, by all mean,s … continue on with this little personal vendetta you have against me . . . I’m sure the Mods will eventually get tired – delete the threads and probably suspend both if us from the Forum. The thing is, it won’t be MY fault that they do so . . . I was not the one who started in with the name calling. No, that would be YOUR little immaturity shining through like a beacon.

    I have NEVER said that anyone doesn’t have a right to their opinions. All I say – because no one seems to be able to do this – is that empty complaints are meaningless without some supporting suggestion to go with them.

    Sad that you lack the intellectual capacity to understand such a SIMPLE concept.

    Have a nice day

    A template is only a starting point . . . The magic is in what you do with it from there.</blockquote>

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