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  • abacocreacion Friend

    Hi all:
    We want to duplicate the jajobboard search form.
    First, a link in the main menu of joomla with the type “jajobboard” -> “Job search form“, to show the job search form with all of the fields defined in Jajobboard admin.
    Second, Other form with less fields, only category and the location and perhaps any other field. it should be show as a module in a index of the web. How I can do it?
    Do you know any jajob board’s module that working as a new search form?
    I see in the “jajobboard admin-> Forms”, there are only 4 forms types, how I can add a new form with others field?
    Could be added manually, editing the jos_ja_form_fields table in the database?
    thanks in advance

    Vinh CV Friend

    Hi abacocreacion,

    1. First, a link in the main menu of joomla with the type “jajobboard” -> “Job search form”, to show the job search form with all of the fields defined in Jajobboard admin.
    You can create new menu item with layout “JAJobBoard => Search job form” in layout selection step.

    2. Second, Other form with less fields, only category and the location and perhaps any other field. it should be show as a module in a index of the web. How I can do it?
    You can use JAFilterJobs Module

    3. I see in the “jajobboard admin-> Forms”, there are only 4 forms types, how I can add a new form with others field?
    Those 4 forms are fixed system forms, that you can’t add/edit/delete those forms.

    4. Could be added manually, editing the jos_ja_form_fields table in the database?
    Yes, you could. Please test carefully after create manually by hand.

    abacocreacion Friend


    We have trying add the new form by hand, but no luck.
    Please, Can you explain us with more details the proccess?
    We modified the function getFormList() in jaconstants.php file to add a new line, and we can see the new form type in the admin Ja Job Board::Form Customizations, in the dropdown menu, and we can add new fields in new form.
    But when we try add a field that already exist in other table, show a wrong message “Error found! Fail to save field”.

    We want a new form to search in the user data stored in the database. ¿is neccesary add a new table?
    Example: we want a simplified form to search resumes (resume simple), only with two fields: location_id and age.
    We think that we have to adding the two fields into the new form, and in the admin section: Ja Job Board::Form Customizations, click en New field, with the parameters:
    Field label: Location
    Field name: location_id
    Form name: resume simple
    table name: resumes table

    But show de error and we don´t know continue.:((

    Can you help us?
    Thanks in advance

    Vinh CV Friend

    Hi abacocreacion,

    JAJobBoard doesn’t support to add new form in Admin Panel. Therefore, we can’t support you to fix your customization code because we need to change many places in JAJobboard codes to make your customization work, it isn’t in our support scope. I’m sorry.

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This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Vinh CV 13 years, 1 month ago.

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