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July 16, 2015 at 4:53 am #742537<em>@fbernardello 482775 wrote:</em><blockquote>Well, I’m sure I can insert Disqus everywhere manually.
My questions are:
1 – Can I do it with your plugin?
2 – If not, do I need to insert the “Disqs universal code” into topic .php file?
3 – Where can I insert it, to show the comments *after* the “articles about the topic” on topic items?Regards,
Federico</blockquote>Hi there
# Yes. You are. There are fews Joomla! plugin to do that. You can check it on JED.
In common cases, they are supported for com_content.
# Yes. You can do that also. If you are working with com_content than you’ll need insert it into com_content article layouts
# Please let me know or screenshot about “articles about the topic”.In basically, you can check which layout file you are using than modify it to insert your custom code.
Thank you,
Viet Vufbernardello Friendfbernardello
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July 16, 2015 at 7:46 am #5776431 – I asked if it’s possible to do it with YOUR plugin, JA Disqus Debate Pugin: http://www.joomlart.com/joomla/extensions/ja-comment-plugin
I’m sure I can find other things on the JED, thank you.2/3 – Attached you can find a file topics.jpg. Here you can see the “Articles about the topic”.
We are speaking about JoomlArt Teline V template. Topic items.The file request.jpg shows my request.
fbernardello Friendfbernardello
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July 16, 2015 at 7:46 am #6439371 – I asked if it’s possible to do it with YOUR plugin, JA Disqus Debate Pugin: http://www.joomlart.com/joomla/extensions/ja-comment-plugin
I’m sure I can find other things on the JED, thank you.2/3 – Attached you can find a file topics.jpg. Here you can see the “Articles about the topic”.
We are speaking about JoomlArt Teline V template. Topic items.The file request.jpg shows my request.
fbernardello Friendfbernardello
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July 16, 2015 at 7:46 am #7425721 – I asked if it’s possible to do it with YOUR plugin, JA Disqus Debate Pugin: http://www.joomlart.com/joomla/extensions/ja-comment-plugin
I’m sure I can find other things on the JED, thank you.2/3 – Attached you can find a file topics.jpg. Here you can see the “Articles about the topic”.
We are speaking about JoomlArt Teline V template. Topic items.The file request.jpg shows my request.
jooservices Friendjooservices
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July 16, 2015 at 8:04 am #577645Hi there
# Yes. Of course. In introduce it’s already explain about it
<blockquote>JA Disqus Debate Echo plugin allows you to integrate popular external commenting systems into your Joomla! articles.</blockquote># In this plugin it’s provide some 2 ways for integration
Automatic or Manual
<select id="jform_params_mode" name="jform[params][mode]" class="mselect chzn-done" style="display: none;">
<option value="automatic" selected="selected">Automatic (Recommended)</option>
<option value="manual">Manual (put Code {jacomment})</option>
<option value="disable">Disabled</option>
</select># This’s content plugin. It’s mean it’ll trigger via Joomla! content event.
In your screenshot
If your “topic items” is an article view ( com_content&view=article ). Than of course it would work with JA Disqus Debate Echo plugin.# In case you want do customize place to render disqus form you can use Manual mode. Insert {jacomment} into layout file which place you want to insert.
To do that, you’ll need
– Know your “topic items” what’s it. Is it article ?
– If it’s than you’ll know which layout using than locate this layout file and insert custom code {jacomment} ( But it must be under content events )If you can’t work on it. Please provide your site backend & CPanel and URL which page you want to work on. I’ll help you work on it.
In basically you’ll which page / thing you are working on. It will help us resolve issues in fast.
Thank you,
Viet Vujooservices Friendjooservices
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July 16, 2015 at 8:04 am #643939Hi there
# Yes. Of course. In introduce it’s already explain about it
<blockquote>JA Disqus Debate Echo plugin allows you to integrate popular external commenting systems into your Joomla! articles.</blockquote># In this plugin it’s provide some 2 ways for integration
Automatic or Manual
<select id="jform_params_mode" name="jform[params][mode]" class="mselect chzn-done" style="display: none;">
<option value="automatic" selected="selected">Automatic (Recommended)</option>
<option value="manual">Manual (put Code {jacomment})</option>
<option value="disable">Disabled</option>
</select># This’s content plugin. It’s mean it’ll trigger via Joomla! content event.
In your screenshot
If your “topic items” is an article view ( com_content&view=article ). Than of course it would work with JA Disqus Debate Echo plugin.# In case you want do customize place to render disqus form you can use Manual mode. Insert {jacomment} into layout file which place you want to insert.
To do that, you’ll need
– Know your “topic items” what’s it. Is it article ?
– If it’s than you’ll know which layout using than locate this layout file and insert custom code {jacomment} ( But it must be under content events )If you can’t work on it. Please provide your site backend & CPanel and URL which page you want to work on. I’ll help you work on it.
In basically you’ll which page / thing you are working on. It will help us resolve issues in fast.
Thank you,
Viet Vujooservices Friendjooservices
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July 16, 2015 at 8:04 am #742574Hi there
# Yes. Of course. In introduce it’s already explain about it
<blockquote>JA Disqus Debate Echo plugin allows you to integrate popular external commenting systems into your Joomla! articles.</blockquote># In this plugin it’s provide some 2 ways for integration
Automatic or Manual
<select id="jform_params_mode" name="jform[params][mode]" class="mselect chzn-done" style="display: none;">
<option value="automatic" selected="selected">Automatic (Recommended)</option>
<option value="manual">Manual (put Code {jacomment})</option>
<option value="disable">Disabled</option>
</select># This’s content plugin. It’s mean it’ll trigger via Joomla! content event.
In your screenshot
If your “topic items” is an article view ( com_content&view=article ). Than of course it would work with JA Disqus Debate Echo plugin.# In case you want do customize place to render disqus form you can use Manual mode. Insert {jacomment} into layout file which place you want to insert.
To do that, you’ll need
– Know your “topic items” what’s it. Is it article ?
– If it’s than you’ll know which layout using than locate this layout file and insert custom code {jacomment} ( But it must be under content events )If you can’t work on it. Please provide your site backend & CPanel and URL which page you want to work on. I’ll help you work on it.
In basically you’ll which page / thing you are working on. It will help us resolve issues in fast.
Thank you,
Viet Vufbernardello Friendfbernardello
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July 16, 2015 at 8:33 am #577647Dear Viet,
thank you for you reply.You write about the topic, as it would an item of my invention. This is part of the Teline V template:
http://www.joomlart.com/documentation/joomla-templates/ja-teline-v/content-types#topic-typeI activated JA Disqus Debate Pugin in automatic mode, and it works properly on all standard articles, but It doesn’t appear on “Topics” items (even if it is a “com_content….&view=article” one).
I would like to place the code to activate disqus comments on all the topics, but I don’t know which is the proper php (?) file to be customized, and I don’t know the way to insert the code.
fbernardello Friendfbernardello
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July 16, 2015 at 8:33 am #643941Dear Viet,
thank you for you reply.You write about the topic, as it would an item of my invention. This is part of the Teline V template:
http://www.joomlart.com/documentation/joomla-templates/ja-teline-v/content-types#topic-typeI activated JA Disqus Debate Pugin in automatic mode, and it works properly on all standard articles, but It doesn’t appear on “Topics” items (even if it is a “com_content….&view=article” one).
I would like to place the code to activate disqus comments on all the topics, but I don’t know which is the proper php (?) file to be customized, and I don’t know the way to insert the code.
fbernardello Friendfbernardello
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July 16, 2015 at 8:33 am #742576Dear Viet,
thank you for you reply.You write about the topic, as it would an item of my invention. This is part of the Teline V template:
http://www.joomlart.com/documentation/joomla-templates/ja-teline-v/content-types#topic-typeI activated JA Disqus Debate Pugin in automatic mode, and it works properly on all standard articles, but It doesn’t appear on “Topics” items (even if it is a “com_content….&view=article” one).
I would like to place the code to activate disqus comments on all the topics, but I don’t know which is the proper php (?) file to be customized, and I don’t know the way to insert the code.
jooservices Friendjooservices
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July 16, 2015 at 9:30 am #577651Hi there
# For Topic article type. By use search string we can locate this layout file
templatesja_teline_vhtmllayoutsjoomlacontentitemtopic.php$items = $model->getMetaItems('', array(), array('topic_id' => '='.$item->id));
$iparams = array('show_publish_date' => 1, 'show_hits' => 1, 'show_category' => 1, 'show_author' => 1, 'block_position' => 0);
$iparams = new JRegistry($iparams);
<small><?php echo JText::_('ARTICLES_ABOUT_THE_TOPIC'); ?></small>
<?php echo $item->title; ?>
<div class="magazine-links">
<?php foreach($items as $article):$article->slug = $article->alias ? ($article->id . ':' . $article->alias) : $article->id;
$article->parent_slug = ($article->parent_alias) ? ($article->parent_id . ':' . $article->parent_alias) : $article->parent_id;
// No link for ROOT category
if ($article->parent_alias == 'root')
$article->parent_slug = null;
}$article->catslug = $article->category_alias ? ($article->catid.':'.$article->category_alias) : $article->catid;
$article->event = new stdClass;
$dispatcher = JEventDispatcher::getInstance();
// Old plugins: Ensure that text property is available
if (!isset($article->text))
$article->text = $article->introtext;
$dispatcher->trigger('onContentPrepare', array ('com_content.category', &$article, &$article->params, 0));// Old plugins: Use processed text as introtext
$article->introtext = $article->text;$results = $dispatcher->trigger('onContentAfterTitle', array('com_content.category', &$article, &$article->params, 0));
$article->event->afterDisplayTitle = trim(implode("n", $results));$results = $dispatcher->trigger('onContentBeforeDisplay', array('com_content.category', &$article, &$article->params, 0));
$article->event->beforeDisplayContent = trim(implode("n", $results));$results = $dispatcher->trigger('onContentAfterDisplay', array('com_content.category', &$article, &$article->params, 0));
$article->event->afterDisplayContent = trim(implode("n", $results));?>
<?php echo JLayoutHelper::render('joomla.content.link.default', array('item' => $article, 'params'=> $iparams)); ?>
<?php //echo JATemplateHelper::render($article, 'joomla.content.intro', array('item' => $article, 'params'=> $iparams)); ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
</section>Above code is code to render ARTICLES_ABOUT_THE_TOPIC list.
Now you can insert your own disqus code or use JA plugin with manual mode.
But in fact if you checking into above file you’ll see
$results = $dispatcher->trigger('onContentAfterDisplay', array('com_content.category', &$article, &$article->params, 0));
$article->event->afterDisplayContent = trim(implode("n", $results));
It’s trigger event
And check into JA Disqus plugin
<select id="jform_params_position" name="jform[params][position]" class="chzn-done" style="display: none;">
<option value="onAfterDisplay">After Content</option>
<option value="onContentAfterDisplay" selected="selected">After Display Content</option>
</select>There are 2 options we can use. And the point here is onAfterDisplay does not exist in this Topic article type. That’s why it’s not trigger to render Disqus form.
But onContentAfterDisplay is exists .# By use Manual mode in plugin. You’ll need apply code into content to render it.
# By use Automatic mode you’ll apply right configuration.So it’s your choose.
Thank you,
Viet Vujooservices Friendjooservices
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July 16, 2015 at 9:30 am #643945Hi there
# For Topic article type. By use search string we can locate this layout file
templatesja_teline_vhtmllayoutsjoomlacontentitemtopic.php$items = $model->getMetaItems('', array(), array('topic_id' => '='.$item->id));
$iparams = array('show_publish_date' => 1, 'show_hits' => 1, 'show_category' => 1, 'show_author' => 1, 'block_position' => 0);
$iparams = new JRegistry($iparams);
<small><?php echo JText::_('ARTICLES_ABOUT_THE_TOPIC'); ?></small>
<?php echo $item->title; ?>
<div class="magazine-links">
<?php foreach($items as $article):$article->slug = $article->alias ? ($article->id . ':' . $article->alias) : $article->id;
$article->parent_slug = ($article->parent_alias) ? ($article->parent_id . ':' . $article->parent_alias) : $article->parent_id;
// No link for ROOT category
if ($article->parent_alias == 'root')
$article->parent_slug = null;
}$article->catslug = $article->category_alias ? ($article->catid.':'.$article->category_alias) : $article->catid;
$article->event = new stdClass;
$dispatcher = JEventDispatcher::getInstance();
// Old plugins: Ensure that text property is available
if (!isset($article->text))
$article->text = $article->introtext;
$dispatcher->trigger('onContentPrepare', array ('com_content.category', &$article, &$article->params, 0));// Old plugins: Use processed text as introtext
$article->introtext = $article->text;$results = $dispatcher->trigger('onContentAfterTitle', array('com_content.category', &$article, &$article->params, 0));
$article->event->afterDisplayTitle = trim(implode("n", $results));$results = $dispatcher->trigger('onContentBeforeDisplay', array('com_content.category', &$article, &$article->params, 0));
$article->event->beforeDisplayContent = trim(implode("n", $results));$results = $dispatcher->trigger('onContentAfterDisplay', array('com_content.category', &$article, &$article->params, 0));
$article->event->afterDisplayContent = trim(implode("n", $results));?>
<?php echo JLayoutHelper::render('joomla.content.link.default', array('item' => $article, 'params'=> $iparams)); ?>
<?php //echo JATemplateHelper::render($article, 'joomla.content.intro', array('item' => $article, 'params'=> $iparams)); ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
</section>Above code is code to render ARTICLES_ABOUT_THE_TOPIC list.
Now you can insert your own disqus code or use JA plugin with manual mode.
But in fact if you checking into above file you’ll see
$results = $dispatcher->trigger('onContentAfterDisplay', array('com_content.category', &$article, &$article->params, 0));
$article->event->afterDisplayContent = trim(implode("n", $results));
It’s trigger event
And check into JA Disqus plugin
<select id="jform_params_position" name="jform[params][position]" class="chzn-done" style="display: none;">
<option value="onAfterDisplay">After Content</option>
<option value="onContentAfterDisplay" selected="selected">After Display Content</option>
</select>There are 2 options we can use. And the point here is onAfterDisplay does not exist in this Topic article type. That’s why it’s not trigger to render Disqus form.
But onContentAfterDisplay is exists .# By use Manual mode in plugin. You’ll need apply code into content to render it.
# By use Automatic mode you’ll apply right configuration.So it’s your choose.
Thank you,
Viet Vujooservices Friendjooservices
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July 16, 2015 at 9:30 am #742580Hi there
# For Topic article type. By use search string we can locate this layout file
templatesja_teline_vhtmllayoutsjoomlacontentitemtopic.php$items = $model->getMetaItems('', array(), array('topic_id' => '='.$item->id));
$iparams = array('show_publish_date' => 1, 'show_hits' => 1, 'show_category' => 1, 'show_author' => 1, 'block_position' => 0);
$iparams = new JRegistry($iparams);
<small><?php echo JText::_('ARTICLES_ABOUT_THE_TOPIC'); ?></small>
<?php echo $item->title; ?>
<div class="magazine-links">
<?php foreach($items as $article):$article->slug = $article->alias ? ($article->id . ':' . $article->alias) : $article->id;
$article->parent_slug = ($article->parent_alias) ? ($article->parent_id . ':' . $article->parent_alias) : $article->parent_id;
// No link for ROOT category
if ($article->parent_alias == 'root')
$article->parent_slug = null;
}$article->catslug = $article->category_alias ? ($article->catid.':'.$article->category_alias) : $article->catid;
$article->event = new stdClass;
$dispatcher = JEventDispatcher::getInstance();
// Old plugins: Ensure that text property is available
if (!isset($article->text))
$article->text = $article->introtext;
$dispatcher->trigger('onContentPrepare', array ('com_content.category', &$article, &$article->params, 0));// Old plugins: Use processed text as introtext
$article->introtext = $article->text;$results = $dispatcher->trigger('onContentAfterTitle', array('com_content.category', &$article, &$article->params, 0));
$article->event->afterDisplayTitle = trim(implode("n", $results));$results = $dispatcher->trigger('onContentBeforeDisplay', array('com_content.category', &$article, &$article->params, 0));
$article->event->beforeDisplayContent = trim(implode("n", $results));$results = $dispatcher->trigger('onContentAfterDisplay', array('com_content.category', &$article, &$article->params, 0));
$article->event->afterDisplayContent = trim(implode("n", $results));?>
<?php echo JLayoutHelper::render('joomla.content.link.default', array('item' => $article, 'params'=> $iparams)); ?>
<?php //echo JATemplateHelper::render($article, 'joomla.content.intro', array('item' => $article, 'params'=> $iparams)); ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
</section>Above code is code to render ARTICLES_ABOUT_THE_TOPIC list.
Now you can insert your own disqus code or use JA plugin with manual mode.
But in fact if you checking into above file you’ll see
$results = $dispatcher->trigger('onContentAfterDisplay', array('com_content.category', &$article, &$article->params, 0));
$article->event->afterDisplayContent = trim(implode("n", $results));
It’s trigger event
And check into JA Disqus plugin
<select id="jform_params_position" name="jform[params][position]" class="chzn-done" style="display: none;">
<option value="onAfterDisplay">After Content</option>
<option value="onContentAfterDisplay" selected="selected">After Display Content</option>
</select>There are 2 options we can use. And the point here is onAfterDisplay does not exist in this Topic article type. That’s why it’s not trigger to render Disqus form.
But onContentAfterDisplay is exists .# By use Manual mode in plugin. You’ll need apply code into content to render it.
# By use Automatic mode you’ll apply right configuration.So it’s your choose.
Thank you,
Viet Vuzdiar Friendzdiar
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February 23, 2016 at 7:17 pm #889386I have the same problem. I read this thread, but no solution provided for this.
My JA Disqus Debate Echo plugin is enabled, set to be added to the categories, but it only works if my content type is ‘Article’.
Is there a way to add this plugin to other content types, such as Topic or Video?
Thank you.
Adam M ModeratorAdam M
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This topic contains 29 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by Adam M 8 years, 10 months ago.
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