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  • danderss Friend

    Is it possible to extend JA News to show more articles (content).
    I would like to have 2-3 aricles from one category + a few links.

    instantinlaw Friend

    Hi Could you be a little more spesific on what you want to acomplish?

    danderss Friend


    If we take a look at the example page at (the picture of screenshot and modules guide): http://www.joomlart.com/templates_club/club_portfolio/ja_quillaja.html

    In the JA News area we have several categories as artists, video features.
    In each category we see one content (some text and an image) + 1 or 2 links.

    I would have the possibility to have several content items in each category vertically.

    Category title
    Content 1
    Content x


    instantinlaw Friend

    I am sure it is possible, but it would involve hacking the module. You could acomplish something similar by making more rows and only publishing one article to each, then getting rid of the links to the other articles in that category. So basically you would have one image and some teaser text for each category/section. I don’t know if there is a limit on the amount of rows you can have but I think it’s only limited by the amount of category/sections you have. Everything I suggested here can be acomplished using the settings in Ja-News.
    Good luck, and if you get the results you were looking for post the results here so everyone can benefit.

    jasontm Friend

    <em>@danderss 19220 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi,

    If we take a look at the example page at (the picture of screenshot and modules guide): http://www.joomlart.com/templates_club/club_portfolio/ja_quillaja.html

    In the JA News area we have several categories as artists, video features.
    In each category we see one content (some text and an image) + 1 or 2 links.

    I would have the possibility to have several content items in each category vertically.

    Category title
    Content 1
    Content x


    Any luck on this yet? I”m not a php coder, but i think i found the area needed to be edited.

    If anyone is confused to by what we are wanting….

    say you have 3 columns. We want to show multiple articles in the area… Personally I can care less about the links as the articles will be just want I want.

    How can this be done?

    Category 1 Category 2 Category 3
    Article 1 Article 2 Article 3
    Article 4 Article 5 Article 6
    Article 7 Article 8 Article 9
    link x link x link x

    I think the code is right in here:

    //Show the latest news
    if ($showintro){
    echo “<div class=”ja-newscontent”>n”;
    echo $image. “n”;
    echo “<a href=”$link” class=”ja-newstitle” title=”{$row->title}”>{$row->title}</a>n”;
    echo “{$row->introtext}n</div>n”;
    if (count ($rows) > 1) echo “<ul class=”ja-newslinks”>n”; else $hasul = false;
    echo “<ul class=”ja-newslinks”>”;

    jasontm Friend

    <em>@jasontm 21079 wrote:</em><blockquote>Any luck on this yet? I”m not a php coder, but i think i found the area needed to be edited.

    If anyone is confused to by what we are wanting….

    say you have 3 columns. We want to show multiple articles in the area… Personally I can care less about the links as the articles will be just want I want.

    How can this be done?

    Category 1 Category 2 Category 3
    Article 1 Article 2 Article 3
    Article 4 Article 5 Article 6
    Article 7 Article 8 Article 9
    link x link x link x

    I think the code is right in here:

    //Show the latest news
    if ($showintro){
    echo “<div class=”ja-newscontent”>n”;
    echo $image. “n”;
    echo “<a href=”$link” class=”ja-newstitle” title=”{$row->title}”>{$row->title}</a>n”;
    echo “{$row->introtext}n</div>n”;
    if (count ($rows) > 1) echo “<ul class=”ja-newslinks”>n”; else $hasul = false;
    echo “<ul class=”ja-newslinks”>”;

    I figured it out:


    if ($i == 0){ to if ($i >= 0){

    Now I just need to figure out where to put in the css for a horizontal line seperator 🙂

    if ($i == 0){
    //Show the latest news
    if ($showintro){
    echo “<div class=”ja-newscontent”>n”;
    echo $image. “n”;
    echo “<a href=”$link” class=”ja-newstitle” title=”{$row->title}”>{$row->title}</a>n”;
    echo “{$row->introtext}n</div>n”;
    if (count ($rows) > 1) echo “<ul class=”ja-newslinks”>n”; else $hasul = false;
    echo “<ul class=”ja-newslinks”>”;
    <a title=”<?php echo trim(htmlentities(strip_tags($row->introtext), ENT_QUOTES, $current_charset)); ?>” href=”<?php echo $link; ?>”>
    <?php echo $row->title; ?></a>
    <a title=”<?php echo trim(htmlentities(strip_tags($row->introtext), ENT_QUOTES, $current_charset)); ?>” href=”<?php echo $link; ?>”>
    <?php echo $row->title; ?></a>

    lehoai Friend

    <blockquote>I figured it out:


    if ($i == 0){ to if ($i >= 0){

    Now I just need to figure out where to put in the css for a horizontal line seperator

    if ($i == 0){
    //Show the latest news
    if ($showintro){
    echo “<div class=”ja-newscontent”>n”;
    echo $image. “n”;
    echo “<a href=”$link” class=”ja-newstitle” title=”{$row->title}”>{$row->title}</a>n”;
    echo “{$row->introtext}n</div>n”;
    if (count ($rows) > 1) echo “<ul class=”ja-newslinks”>n”; else $hasul = false;
    echo “<ul class=”ja-newslinks”>”;
    <a title=”<?php echo trim(htmlentities(strip_tags($row->introtext), ENT_QUOTES, $current_charset)); ?>” href=”<?php echo $link; ?>”>
    <?php echo $row->title; ?></a>
    <a title=”<?php echo trim(htmlentities(strip_tags($row->introtext), ENT_QUOTES, $current_charset)); ?>” href=”<?php echo $link; ?>”>
    <?php echo $row->title; ?></a>

    You need to change f ($i == 0){ to if ($i < xxx) not f ($i == 0){ to if ($i >= 0){ And xxx is the number of content you want to display per category.

    redlight_traitor Friend

    Wow…thanks for the code help!

    Jason McDaniel Friend

    <em>@lehoai 21247 wrote:</em><blockquote>You need to change f ($i == 0){ to if ($i < xxx) not f ($i == 0){ to if ($i >= 0){ And xxx is the number of content you want to display per category.</blockquote>
    Where is this file located? I need to do the same thing.

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