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  • Jeancarlos Rodriguez Friend


    I am using bluehost as my hosting company, and they suspended my site because they said that they found malware in files. Phishing in my files. Now they want me to pay $250 for them to scan my files.
    Is there any way to scan my files or restore my entire site?
    i have done so much custom work to this site..

    please help..


    Jeancarlos Rodriguez Friend

    if i download all the files from my directory to my local hard drive, can i use a antivirus software to detect the bad files?

    please help…


    pavit Moderator


    Yes you can scan your files with an antivirus software and remove infected files , then restore them witjh original files , Joomla core or template files

    Jeancarlos Rodriguez Friend

    I downloaded all the files and did a scan. It came out with nothing found.
    Is there any recommended software??

    pavit Moderator

    You can try with another antivirus or ask to your hosting a log file where they found infected files on your folders

    Jeancarlos Rodriguez Friend

    they are trying to charge me $250 for them to scan. the only log that they gave me doesnt specify the exact files that are infected.
    will a anti virus pick up phishing infected files…

    can i upload a new version of the template and reconnect the database..and just add the custom.css file…

    thanks for your help.

    pavit Moderator


    I’m not able to answer to your question, you can only try to do in this way in a local installation and then try to verify if it works as you expecting it to do

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

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