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  • acorona Friend

    The module uses the contact’s email as the email sender instead of the admin email configured in the system. This causes the sending of email to fail since the contact’s email address is not valid within the configured smtp server. I’ve changed the file mod_jaquickcontact.php to use the $adminemail as the sender instead of $email.

    Not sure this is what you intended, but just in case I thought of sharing this with you.

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    If you are a developer, you can customize contact’s email and email configured in the system here: modules/mod_jaquickcontact/mod_jaquickcontact.php

    $header = "From: $email";

    $message = "
    ".JText::_('Name').": $name <br/>
    ".JText::_('Email').": $email <br/> ";
    $message .= "<br/>" . nl2br($text);
    $email_copy = (JRequest::getVar('email_copy', 0) == 1) ? 1 : 0;
    $adminemail = $mainframe->getCfg('mailfrom');
    $recipient = $params->get('recipient', $adminemail);
    $recipient = preg_split("/*[,]*/", $recipient);
    $mail = JFactory::getMailer();

    if ($params->get('show_email_copy', 0) && ($email_copy == 1)) {
    $mail->setSender(array($email, $subject));

    $success = $mail->Send();

    check the red lines above.

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