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  • nickzor Friend

    Greetings Joomlart,

    I have a few issues with setting up Ja Jobboard.

    One of the main issues is that when you open a posted job from the Joblist. The job then opens below the joblist, while what I want is that it opens within the window and only shows the requested job ( so the list wont be visible then ).

    To show you what I mean I will post a screenshot in the attachment ( filename joblist.jpg).

    Another issue is setting up the payment portal correctly. Currently It only shows the paypal option, while I would like to add a payment service which is based on a normal Bill that is send to the customer ( if it goes automaticly thats nice, not required ).

    So the client does the following:
    * Click on buying X amount of credits
    * Click on Send me the bill or something like that
    * The bill will be send automaticly or manually
    * The client instantly gets his credits and can post his job.

    Is this possible, and if so could you please help me set it up? I am availble on skype aswell if needed.

    Thanks so much in advance


    1. joblist
    Vinh CV Friend

    Hi nickzor,

    1. Show job details
    To fix the issue, your Home menu item must link to “Articles ยป Front Page” layout:

    2. Payment system
    You can use “Wirebank” payment plugin to do as your request, with the price of Packages is set to 0

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Vinh CV 13 years, 7 months ago.

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