Hi, I do not know if this really is a JoomlArt Megastore-issue, but the VM-team is puzzled, and I and our developer struggles with this:
I would like the customer experience would be like this:
- The customer comes to the cart and hasn’t added any address.
- The shipping and payment plugins should just show the texts of COM_VIRTUEMART_CART_NO_PAYMENT_METHOD_PUBLIC and COM_VIRTUEMART_CART_NO_SHIPPING_METHOD_PUBLIC.
- The customer add the address, and the plugins update, showing the relevant shipping and payment options.
And if I am logged in on frontend, without country, it works (no payment/shipping options until I add a value to Country field). But if I am NOT logged in, 1 of 2 payment plugins show when customer hasn’t added a Country. In other words, one payment plugin works as we thought, but not the other.
I have added ALL countries as valid for the payment plugin that wrongly show when user not logged in and when user have no country selected (i.e. I have not left the currency field in admin empty, but listed ALL countries there) and only 1 country (Sweden) is valid for the second payment plugin, which works.
ISSUE B: COM_VIRTUEMART_CART_NO_PAYMENT_METHOD_PUBLIC isn’t visible when no payment option is valid. I have it in the language files, but it will not show…
Joomla v3.8.1, VM v3.2.4.
Any suggestions or ideas?
With kind regards,