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  • mcglynn Friend

    Although most of the upgrade has gone smoothly, there are several modules that will not function properly

    1.) All of the Joomlart Advanced Custom Modules – the images referenced in these modules no longer show and the graphical elements (fa-fa) also do not show unless Optimize CSS is turned off
    2.) The Slideshow (JACM Module) no longer displays at full width
    3.) All modules linked to the head-login area masked by the absence of the rolling header

    Could you please review and let me know when the update to the T3 Framework is planned

    Phill Moderator

    Updates will be released in due course. JA hope the wait will not be too long. With so many templates and extensions to update and test I am sure you can appreciate the task is quite large. Even the admin template built into Joomla, Hathor, is no longer compatible with J3.7.x. The release of Joomla 3.7 is not a security update so we, and the Joomla team, recommend testing before implementing on a live site.

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