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  • environc Friend


    Bay Posting credit conformation does not take to …/index.php/my-ecpanel/my-account like Buy Posting Plan. It simply shows a confirmation message in /index.php/payments/buy-packages/japayment/message (screenshot).

    In addition, the message looks like an error or warning message rather than success message (screenshot) I get when I Buy Posting Plan.

    1. How do I get the Posting Plan message to appear on the …/ my-account page so user can also see their account balance after purchase, like Posting Plan
    2. How do I get the success message to appear like other success messages


    1. Untitled14
    2. Untitled15
    HeR0 Friend

    Dear Environc,

    I could see you need to more customizations, so i think you could hire a good developer from Joomlancers to finish faster.


    environc Friend

    Hi Hero,

    Thanks. This is not customisation. In joomla success messages are blue but that success message is showing as a warning.


    HeR0 Friend


    It is not a bug, so you can modify as per you desire in function completePaymentByAmount in file componentscom_jajobboardcontrollersjapayment.php .

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  HeR0 11 years, 9 months ago.

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