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  • digitalrain Friend

    I’m running J 1.5.22 and have Teline IV installed (quickstart installation). I’ve installed the JoomListings component and am trying to add a link to the component in the magazine menu (it uses mega menu). I’ve gone through the process of creating the menu item, made sure it is set to be published, that it is available publicly, etc…

    The only problem is that it does not show up!

    Please advise…


    Cynthia :-*

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    Kindly provide necessary login info (supper admin & ftp account) in your ticket so we can have a closer look.

    digitalrain Friend

    I updated the ticket with that info. Thanks! Looking forward to getting this problem solved.

    Ninja Lead Moderator


    I can see its working fine isnt it? Here is what I did:
    1. Go to Admin > menu manager > magazine
    2. Disable 3 last menu items because the menu on frontpage is too long.
    3. Add new Menu item with type : Joomlisting > directory > directory layout
    Here is what I got. I dont know what that happened to you, tell me what menu item you intent to create maybe I can help you.

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