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  • pepperstreet Friend

    Hello, so glad that there is T3 v3 for Joomla 2.5
    Tested with latest T3 and Blank v1.2.5

    But there seems to be an issue with the collapsable navigation. The vertical drop-down does open, but after click on the the 3-bars icon…

    – there is a visual “glitch”. I can see additional scrollbars on the right side of the menu… over the full menu height for a very short time period.
    – after the menu items are visible, the whole main content area gets white! Only the menu is still visible. This happens in all my browsers. (see attachments before and after click/uncollapse)

    BTW, the optional off-site sliding version does work! Very smooth. Doesn’t matter if MegaMenu or J! core menu.

    before click

    after click:

    1. Bildschirmfoto-2013-06-05-um-17.49.08
    2. Bildschirmfoto-2013-06-05-um-17.51.20
    Scott Lavelle Friend


    I’ve seen this “full page menu” issue as well, though you can correct the color from being white in the background of it in the /t3_blank/less/navigation-responsive.less file starting around line 58 and can control the colors of your menu items are such from there as well. I would have thought that it would bring over everything from the standard nav – like I have a site with a solid black background on the nav bar, white links for all the menu items, and red links for the active and hover states on the normal bar – you would think that I’d retain that scheme completely on the collapsible version: apparently not πŸ™‚

    Does that help at all?

    Devs – is the menu really supposed to take up the whole screen when there are just a few menu items or is this a flaw of some sort?

    Scott Lavelle - Technical Resource Solutions, LLC
    Certified Joomla Administrator

    phong nam Friend


    @slavelle: Thanks for your sharing.
    @pepperstreet: Can you send me PM with your admin login ? I will check & give you a solution for this issue.
    Because I couldn’t find the same issue when I checked out our T3 blank demo.


    1. 6-6-2013-1-53-16-PM
    quatgio Friend

    I think it break interface because CSS not fixed for case this menu down

    You fix css flexible in this case will ok

    pepperstreet Friend

    Thanks for your first thoughts and help!
    @leo Burnetts
    Currently its a local installation. I will try to copy or re-create a simple demo online this week.
    Your screenshot and the official demo shows the “off-site” navigation option. That one has no issue. Its working fine and very smooth over here. My issue is on the other vertical menu option. Did you try this, too?

    Regarding the white background in my screenshot… Its generated here: template-responsive.css line 1062

    .t3-mainnav .nav-collapse {
    margin-top: 10px;
    background: #fff

    The white itself is not the real issue. It is…

    1.) the uncollapsed height of the menu. It turns to AUTO but fills the whole screen. I guess it should result in a height that represents the actual menuitems total count/amount?!
    BTW, the original bootstrap collapsable navbar demo shifts the page content down. Each opened submenu shifts the content down again. The main content is not overlapped by the menu. And its animation is very smooth.

    2.) the opening animation is strange. Very clunky and not smooth. It displays the scrollbars of the menu container (overflow-y:auto) for half a second or less… (to short to make a screenshot). Then it disappears and the whole page background turns white.

    phong nam Friend


    <blockquote>1.) the uncollapsed height of the menu. It turns to AUTO but fills the whole screen. I guess it should result in a height that represents the actual menuitems total count/amount?!</blockquote>
    Yeah. In mobile view, the height of Off-canvas menu will be automatically set to auto. It is more simple than the js scripts for counting the numbers of menu items with their width.

    @media (max-width: 767px)
    .off-canvas #off-canvas-nav .t3-mainnav .nav-collapse {
    height: auto;
    background: none;

    <blockquote>2.) the opening animation is strange. Very clunky and not smooth. It displays the scrollbars of the menu container (overflow-y:auto) for half a second or less… (to short to make a screenshot). Then it disappears and the whole page background turns white.</blockquote>
    Lets try to update with our latest T3 1.2.6. If the issue still persits, pls send me PM with your admin login.
    I will check & try to find out the solution for it.

    pepperstreet Friend

    Already updated to latest release. No difference, same issues.
    Sorry, for using the wrong term in my previous post: off-site should read as -> Off-Canvas πŸ˜‰

    Again, the Off-Canvas menu type works very smooth. No issue.
    The “normal” vertical variant is the problem. (please, see my first screenshots)

    (Currently, i canΒ΄t replicate/copy the demo online. Maybe after the next weekend.)

    phong nam Friend


    Let me know if your site is online, I will help you further then

    pepperstreet Friend

    <em>@Leo Burnetts 376614 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi, Let me know if your site is online, I will help you further then</blockquote>
    Send PM with demo link and issue.
    (could not find an option to hide my link in forum post etc.)
    Thanks in advance!

    phong nam Friend

    Hi pepperstreet,

    The off-canvas menu got strange behavior on mobile/table view because the css styles of off-canvas are not loading correctly on your website.
    Pls try to set 755 permissions to all folders & 644 to all files.

    – Our demo ‘s resources loading.

    – Your website ‘s resources loading.

    I will check & give you better solution if you send me PM with you admin login info of your test website.

    1. 6-19-2013-9-38-21-AM
    2. 6-19-2013-9-52-53-AM
    pepperstreet Friend

    <em>@Leo Burnetts 377230 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi pepperstreet,

    The off-canvas menu got strange behavior on mobile/table view because the css styles of off-canvas are not loading correctly on your website. Pls try to set 755 permissions to all folders & 644 to all files… </blockquote>

    Nope, you got me wrong. The OFF-CANVAS option works very well and smooth. πŸ™‚
    The issue is only in the other menu option: The normal bootstrap-style collapse menu has the issues. :confused::((

    Please, see demo link in PM and my first screenshots.

    pepperstreet Friend

    BTW, is it a feature or a bug?

    I know, this is a very special and unusually case: Both responsive menu types on one site. AFAIK, the T3 template style assignment should do the trick here. For example: I wanted to setup the demo page with BOTH responsible menu types. Each one is selected in a respective template style. The styles are assigned to the respective example menu items. BUT the menu style is always the same… the last one I selected. This parameter seems not to be saved/respected per template style.

    pepperstreet Friend

    Regarding official demo websites:

    1.) The official T3 demo pages for Joomla25 and Joomla30 have the same issue!
    Hint: I tried the demo admin access and switched to normal collapsable menu option for homepage style 2. Remember to reduce the main menu items to a smaller amount. I chose to display the first level only. Then, you can see the same effect like on my own site screenshots.

    2.) Both menu styles on one site is not possible. Feature or a bug?
    The responsive menu style is always the same… the last selected is for the whole site. This parameter seems not to be saved/respected per template style.

    phong nam Friend

    Hi Pepperstreet,

    <blockquote>1.) The official T3 demo pages for Joomla25 and Joomla30 have the same issue!
    Hint: I tried the demo admin access and switched to normal collapsable menu option for homepage style 2. Remember to reduce the main menu items to a smaller amount. I chose to display the first level only. Then, you can see the same effect like on my own site screenshots.</blockquote>

    I tried to follow your hint (2 menu items published & NO submenu shown, Joomala module for Navigation type) but still couldn’t face the same issue. I tested on my Chrome & FF.

    <blockquote>2.) Both menu styles on one site is not possible. Feature or a bug?
    The responsive menu style is always the same… the last selected is for the whole site. This parameter seems not to be saved/respected per template style.</blockquote>
    It is global parameters, that is why they are set the same on all template styles. You can change these parameters in pluginssystemt3baseparamstemplate.xml at lines:

    <field name="navigation_collapse_offcanvas" type="radio" class="btn-group" default="1"
    <option value="0">JNO</option>
    <option value="1">JYES</option>

    <field name="navigation_collapse_showsub" type="radio" class="btn-group" default="1"
    <option value="0">JNO</option>
    <option value="1">JYES</option>

    1. 6-24-2013-4-29-38-PM
    pepperstreet Friend

    1.) Again… πŸ˜‰ You are still testing the OFF-CANVAS menu. That menu style has NO ISSUE. You have to switch to the second menu display style!

    2.) I see. But in the backend it belongs to the style like any other parameter. Logically, it should save with the template-style, and change per style and menuitem accordingly, IMHO.

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