Is it me or is the ACM very limited in terms of selecting articles to display?
Having a News or Magazin site, I want to select which articles to display.
Here is an example:
On the front page I want to display an article called "X". It does not matter what category it is in or when it was created. I just want it to be displayed.
The only two ways I can do that is by "order of articles" or mark my article as "featured".
Now, the problem here is – it will work in the beginning when the site does not have that many articles. But very fast I will have the problem that on a sub site, I want to display an article called "Y". And "Y" is sadly located in the same category as "X"!
Not all news or magazin site are running by "latest articles", "most popular","most read", etc.
So, basically I need ACM or another module where I can select one or more name articles I want to show.