Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)
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  • Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    Do you want the module like in my screenshot: http://prntscr.com/e079by
    Let me know with a screenshot, I will help you to do this custom work.

    buiak Friend

    Yes, like in your screenshot, but with ja_hotel color * blue instead orange …
    Thank you for your support !

    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    I applied the changes directly on your site.
    You can see my changes in /acm//container-tabs/tmpl/style-1.php folder.
    And i added this code in custom.css

    .acm-container-tabs .container-tabs-nav .nav-tabs li { width: 50%; float: left!important;}
    .acm-container-tabs .container-tabs-nav .nav-tabs li.active a:after { background-color: #3f51b5!important; }


    buiak Friend

    Everything works, except an issue with a big gap in the page, below the tabs containers. Please help and advise.
    Thank you

    buiak Friend

    I figured it out ! … but you can still have a look and advice 🙂 ! thank you !

    buiak Friend

    Question: How can I use K2 catgories articles instead joomla categories articles in JoomlArt Advanced Custom Module tabs containers ?

    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    It looks fine http://prntscr.com/e0n1hh


    buiak Friend

    Question: How can I use K2 catgories articles instead joomla categories articles in JoomlArt Advanced Custom Module which is loaded in the main "Top Destinatii Europene" JACM tabs containers ?

    thank you

    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    JACM does not support K2, it only support Joomla articles.

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)

This topic contains 9 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Pankaj Sharma 7 years, 11 months ago.

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