1. To have the Read more:
Add this code to the end of each Feature Description >> http://prntscr.com/59vyfd
Result: http://prntscr.com/59vyj6
2. All text is hyper link
Add the content as this: http://prntscr.com/59vz3q
<a class="acm-text-link" href="/index.php/prometni-znakovi/prometna-oprema-cesta"> Nobilis vam je u mogućnosti ponuditi cijeloukupnu ponudu visoko kvalitetno izrađene prometne signalizacije. </a>
Result: http://prntscr.com/59vyxs
3. Title as hyperlink
As titel as this: http://prntscr.com/59vzaa
<a class="acm-title-link" href="/index.php/prometni-znakovi/prometna-oprema-cesta">Prometna signalizacija </a>
You can change the color of title and content text as hyper link by adding this code to the file root/templates/uber/css/custom.css (create a new one if unavailable)
a.acm-title-link {
color: red !important; }
a.acm-text-link {
color: black !important; }
Result: http://prntscr.com/59w0dd