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  • jen0513 Friend

    I am still having issues with the JA Login module “Create Account” in JA Business & I still need help. I got a quick response when I first posted the issue, but unfortunately I gave the responder a bad link. I have since posted a current link and have not received any feedback so I am posting the problem again.

    I am using the JA Business template for joomla 1.5 and developing it on my local server. I used the Joomla! 1.5.22 quickstart and upgraded to Joomla! 1.5.23 via akeeba ‘admin tools.’

    JA Login Problem (Create Account)

    Front-end: While testing the registration process, I found I cannot register a new user from the front-end. The ‘register’ button does not work & when I press ‘return’ on my keyboard I am redirected to a page called “Registered Area.” I am not prompted to check my email to confirm registration and if I navigate away from the “Registered Area” page, ‘create account’ reappears in the header.

    Backend: When I check to see if the ‘newuser’ has been registered, I cannot find ‘newuser.’

    Please view the following website:

    Front-end: http://test.kdhoa.com/index.php
    Back-end: http://test.kdhoa.com/administrator

    I might be taking a risk with posting the login info here, but here it is anyway:

    username: admin
    password: 2@admin=password

    I also have one more question. I would like to change the icon in the “Who we are” module. What is the path to the image defined by MCS _icon1?

    Thanks 🙂

    pavit Moderator

    Hi jen0513

    I’ve tested all the registration procedure and how you can see in your backend, it works fine without no errors.

    Let me know if you have any other problem

    For the second question. the path is /templates/ja_business/images/card.png

    jen0513 Friend


    Thank you for your quick response. I can see where it worked for you, but that does not explain why it does not work for me when I test it. Any ideas?

    pavit Moderator

    I’m sorry

    But if i can’t replicate your issue i cannot help you

    i can only see that now all works fine

    jen0513 Friend


    It seems to me you fixed the issue because I now have a component which I did not install called “eXtplorer.” Up until the time you looked at my site, the registration process did not work at all and now it does. Thank you for fixing it, but I would like to know what you did in case the problem arises again.

    Do you think ‘eXtplorer’ fixed it? I don’t even know what this component does other than serve as a way to enable ftp access. Should I remove this component? Will it compromise the security of my site when it goes live?

    Thanks again for responding:)

    pavit Moderator

    Hi jen0513

    From JED

    <blockquote>eXtplorer is a web-based File Management Component for all your needs. It has a desktop-application-like interface with drag&drop, grid and a directory tree and makes heavy use of the ExtJS Javascript Library.
    You can use it to access and modify the files and directories on your server via FTP or direct file access</blockquote>

    if you don’t have a specific need

    i don’t think you really need this component you can access the file of your site with FileZilla

    you can remove it and this does not compromise the security of your site

    n6rej Friend

    I Fixed it yesterday, you should have gotten an email about it. I apologize for leaving extplorer there. Its a tool I often use to get a good look @ whats going on from the “servers” prospective. There is not security risk with that tool being there and you can enable / disable it on the fly as u need / don’t need it ( manage–> compents—> uncheck it. )
    Nothing will be harmed in removing it either
    Again sorry I didn’t remove it.
    As I stated in the ticket it was a malformed override and I even added an enhancement where you can change the “word” of the menu link ( create account ) and button ( register ) separately.

    jen0513 Friend

    Thank you so much . . . I didn’t even think to check my email for additional information, I’m sorry.

    I really can’t thank you enough for your support and your prompt responses ! 🙂

    ew128 Friend

    <em>@jen0513 266262 wrote:</em><blockquote>I am still having issues with the JA Login module “Create Account” in JA Business & I still need help. I got a quick response when I first posted the issue, but unfortunately I gave the responder a bad link. I have since posted a current link and have not received any feedback so I am posting the problem again.

    I am using the JA Business template for joomla 1.5 and developing it on my local server. I used the Joomla! 1.5.22 quickstart and upgraded to Joomla! 1.5.23 via akeeba ‘admin tools.’

    JA Login Problem (Create Account)

    Front-end: While testing the registration process, I found I cannot register a new user from the front-end. The ‘register’ button does not work & when I press ‘return’ on my keyboard I am redirected to a page called “Registered Area.” I am not prompted to check my email to confirm registration and if I navigate away from the “Registered Area” page, ‘create account’ reappears in the header.

    Backend: When I check to see if the ‘newuser’ has been registered, I cannot find ‘newuser.’


    I have the same problem. Registration process is complete (email with link to confirmation, message after confirmation) but new user not exist in users manager. But when i try create the same user on backsite i get message that user exist.

    What I need to do?

    n6rej Friend

    <em>@ew128 305231 wrote:</em><blockquote>I have the same problem. Registration process is complete (email with link to confirmation, message after confirmation) but new user not exist in users manager. But when i try create the same user on backsite i get message that user exist.

    What I need to do?</blockquote>
    please open a support ticket with access info and refer to this thread there… ty.

    ew128 Friend

    ok, thanks , support ticket is created

    n6rej Friend

    Please update all your software you have a lot out of date. use JAEM

    ew128 Friend

    All of JA software is updated.
    Joomla is updated.
    The problem is still

    n6rej Friend

    requested more info via ticket

    ew128 Friend

    thanks for your reply but but it says little to me :((

    What mean “it appears you have a problem with joomla itself. you have an ENORMOUS amount of php functions disabled…”
    I’m instaled Joomla via Quickstart on hosting that has many sites and everywhere there is no problem. Only here.

    I added new user in backend but i don’t see it on user menager.
    What does this module JA login? I don’t use it.

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 17 total)

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