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  • cyres Friend


    I have some problems with ja slideshow module.
    I followed the instructions in the user guide BUT
    Instead of showing the actual pictures the module showed big versions of the thumbnails instead of the pictures themselves (or visa versa).
    I wanted to revert to the original settings and uninstalled and removed the module.
    Then I installed the latest version 2.2.2.
    The install via extensions manager was succesful, but the problems are still there.

    see http://www.cyres.eu/cyres/

    I want to use my own slideshow pics (I do not want miniature pics for the thumbnails)
    I want to retain the thumbnails provided by the template.


    I see that this module does not use the path specified in the article:

    <p><img class=”jaslideshow-main” src=”images/stories/slideshow/banner01.png” border=”0″ alt=”Sample Image” title=”Sample Image” /> <img class=”jaslideshow-thumb” src=”images/stories/slideshow/banner01-thumb.png” border=”0″ style=”display: none;” /></p>

    so it does NOT use imagesimagesstoriesslideshow as specified

    but it seems to use this directory: imagesresizedimagesstoriesslideshow
    why is that????


    missyw Friend

    I have this problem too. The only way I am able to change a slideshow image, is to overwrite the image in the imagesresizedimagesstoriesslideshow directory. As cyres said, the path specifed in the article is ignored, so changing the image in the article has no effect. ???

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  missyw 12 years, 9 months ago.

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