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  • amarks Friend

    How can I adjust the height of the Ja comment box throughout my site?


    Phill Moderator

    Hello Amarks,

    Which part of the box. Can you post an image showing what you want along with a link to a page where you want this changed?

    amarks Friend

    Thanks for the prompt reply Phill. It’s not on a specific page, I just want all of them to be smaller (height-wise). Also, are there supposed to be a difference between the Default and Light styles for Ja comment? When I switch back and forth, it remains the same.


    1. jacom
    Phill Moderator

    Open components>ja_comment>themes>default>html>comments>editor.php and around line 75 change the rows=”12″ to something lower such as rows=”8″

    <textarea <?php if($isEnableAutoexpanding){?>style="overflow-y: hidden;"<?php }?> onblur="checkWordLength(this.value,'<?php echo $textAreaID;?>', 'jaCountText<?php echo $prefix;?>')" class="field textarea jac-new-comment jac-expand-field" rows="12" cols="80" tabindex="1" id="newcomment<?php echo $prefix; ?>" name="newcomment"><?php echo $contentComment;?></textarea>

    amarks Friend

    Great… thanks Phill! That did exactly what I needed. Any guidance on why the theme doesn’t changed between “default” and “light” for me?

    Phill Moderator

    Hmm, it seems to work on my test install. Do you have an overide in the templates html folder?

    amarks Friend

    I have no idea what that means haha. Would you mind taking a look inside wherever that is? I have my info in my first post. Thanks Phill

    n6rej Friend

    sir you have some obsolete extensions and a few that need updating including ja_comments, please input your identication information into the services manager in jaextmanager and update your software. Then let us know if your still having the issues.

    amarks Friend

    It’s already at the latest version of Ja comment 1.1.0

    n6rej Friend

    there was plenty of software that needed updating… please do so and we can go from there… look in ja_extmanager.

    amarks Friend

    I’m sorry, I really don’t understand what more I can do. I checked for updates on all my Joomlart extensions and nothing came back. Can you walk me through updating one of them and I’ll do the rest?


    Phill Moderator

    I think he is referring to all the extensions marked as legacy. It iw worth checking with the makers of those to see if there are updated versions available. If not then not to worry.

    What problems are you currently having?

    amarks Friend

    I’m having trouble with the different css styles for the Ja comment component. When I switch from Default and Light, there is no different at all :-/

    n6rej Friend

    I just went in and updated all the JA software I could.. there are still others you need to manually examine.

    TomC Moderator
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