Viewing 14 posts - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)
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  • hamlethub Friend

    I am trying to show comments from articles in specific categories only.

    I selected the specific article categories in the module. But, it shows all the comments, regardless of the category.

    Am I doing something wrong?

    khoand Friend

    Could you give me username+password of backend to check it?

    hamlethub Friend

    It is on an earlier ticket, or I will send it in a little while when I can accessqit.

    Phill Moderator

    Normally you would select categories in the plugin not the module. Can you post an image of where you are trying to adjust the categories?

    hamlethub Friend

    I can’t change it in the plugins, because I would like to have it appear more than once on the website, but with different categories.

    Each module will have it display comments just from select categories,and other modules will have comments on stories from different categories.

    Right now it appears to ignore the categories, and just show the comments from all of the categories.



    1. comments-screenshot
    khoand Friend

    I understand what you mean when you sent private message to me. When I view your website, i don’t realize what problem you met. Could you give me a example to help me understand clearly?

    hamlethub Friend

    If you go to:


    They all have the same comments, but they shouldn’t. It should be comments from only their individual directories.


    khoand Friend

    Could you give me username + password of ftp? I need more information to find down your problem.

    khoand Friend

    I got your message. I’m checking your website. Please wait for me

    khoand Friend

    Sorry about convenience. I need username+password of ftp? You just give me account for backend

    hamlethub Friend

    I will put it on the private message board

    hamlethub Friend

    Can you please give me an update?

    khoand Friend

    I fixed it. It’s a bug. I will inform it to development team. I replaced this code from <joomla url>modulesmod_jaclatest_commentshelper.php file

    $content_category = $params->get("content_category", array());

    $content_category = $params->get("type-com_content-content_category", array());

    hamlethub Friend

    Excellent Thanks!

Viewing 14 posts - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)

This topic contains 14 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  hamlethub 13 years, 8 months ago.

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