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  • George Pitaru Friend


    I installed JA Methys 1.6, but the comment component wasn’t working. I could see it in the Components drop down menu in the back-end, but when I clicked on it it gave me a 404 not found error. Fine. I bought the rights to download components and such. Tried to install it, again, not working. Can’t uninstall JAComment component, can’t find it on the FTP.

    I installed the same 1.6 version on localhost, same issues. Installed 1.5 on localhost, works perfectly. Is it a Joomla 1.6 issue? Thank you for your time.

    Please help.

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    Did you choose the right JA Component for j1.6 package?

    George Pitaru Friend

    Yes, I chose the appropiate JA Component for Joomla 1.6. I gave it another try, just for fun, and I get this message:

    * Component Install: DB function reports no errors


    * Error installing component

    I know other people have this problem, but I don’t know if they solved it. Like I said, I was about to wipe out all the files on the server and do a fresh install of the quickstart, but on localhost I have the exact same issue. But your Demo looks excellent, so I must be doing something wrong here: download quickstart – extract all files using WinRar – upload the files via FTP – procceed with the Joomla installation – done.

    I attached 3 screenshots to illustrate my problem. As you can see, in the Extension Manager window there are several JA Comment components “installed” – all the attempts I made to re-install the component. I can’t take them out of there.

    Thanks again for your time.

    1. JA-Comment-install
    2. component-not-found
    3. Extension-manager-look
    Giulio Orsi Friend

    I have same issue.
    In the package JA Methys for J1.6, there is not JA comment component.

    Can help me??


    Ninja Lead Moderator

    Thanks all, this is a bug of JA Methys 1.6 quickstart, It will be inspected and fixed:


    Right now, for a quickfix please download latest version of Ja comments for j1.6 and install it.

    George Pitaru Friend

    The new quickstart indeed solved the problem. Topic closed. Thanks!

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

This topic contains 6 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  George Pitaru 13 years, 9 months ago.

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